Proof: Let v1 ∈ V where v1 ̸= 0. If span(v1) = V, stop. {v1} is a basis for V . Oth-erwise, there exists v2 ∈ V which is not in span(v1) . By Lemma 16.3.9 {v1,v2} is a lin-early independent set of vectors. If span(v1,v2) = V stop, {v1,v2} is a basis for V. Ifspan(v1,v2) ̸= V, then there exists v3 /∈ span(v1,v2) and {v1,v2,v3} is a larger linearlyindependent set of vectors. Continuing this way, the process must stop before n+ 1 stepsbecause if not, it would be possible to obtain n+1 linearly independent vectors contrary tothe exchange theorem, Theorem 16.3.5. ■

Example 16.3.12 Let V be the polynomials of degree no more than 2. Thus, abusing nota-tion, V = span


). Is{


a basis for V ?

It will be a basis if it is linearly independent. Suppose then that

a+bx+ cx2 = 0

First let x = 0 and this shows that a = 0. Therefore, bx+ cx2 = 0. Take a derivative of bothsides. Then

b+2cx = 0

Let x = 0. Then b = 0. Hence 2cx = 0 and this must hold for all x. Therefore, c = 0. Thisshows that these functions are linearly independent. Since they also span, these must yielda basis.

Example 16.3.13 Let V be the polynomials of degree no more than 2. Is{x2 + x+1,2x+1,3x2 +1

}a basis for V ?

If these vectors are linearly independent, then they must be a basis since otherwise,you could obtain four functions in V which are linearly independent which is impossiblebecause there is a spanning set of only three vectors, namely


}. Suppose then that

a(x2 + x+1

)+b(2x+1)+ c

(3x2 +1

)= 0

Then(a+3c)x2 +(a+2b)x+(a+b+ c) = 0

From the above example, you know that

a+3c = 0, a+2b = 0, a+b+ c = 0

and there is only one solution to this system of equations, a = b = c = 0. Therefore, theseare linearly independent and hence are a basis for this vector space.

16.4 Vector Spaces And Fields∗

16.4.1 Irreducible PolynomialsI mentioned earlier that most things hold for arbitrary fields. However, I have not botheredto give any examples of other fields. This is the point of this section. It also turns out thatshowing the algebraic numbers are a field can be understood using vector space concepts

382 CHAPTER 16. VECTOR SPACESProof: Let v; € V where v; 4 0. If span(v;) = V, stop. {v,} is a basis for V. Oth-erwise, there exists v2 € V which is not in span(v,). By Lemma 16.3.9 {v1, v2} is a lin-early independent set of vectors. If span(v1,v2) = V stop, {v1,V2} is a basis for V. Ifspan(v\,V2) 4 V, then there exists v3 ¢ span(v),V2) and {v,,v2,v3} is a larger linearlyindependent set of vectors. Continuing this way, the process must stop before n+ 1 stepsbecause if not, it would be possible to obtain n+ | linearly independent vectors contrary tothe exchange theorem, Theorem 16.3.5. HfExample 16.3.12 Let V be the polynomials of degree no more than 2. Thus, abusing nota-tion, V = span (1,x,x?) Is {1,x,x7} a basis for V?It will be a basis if it is linearly independent. Suppose then thata+bx+cx* =0First let x = 0 and this shows that a = 0. Therefore, bx + cx? = 0. Take a derivative of bothsides. Thenb+2cx=0Let x = 0. Then b = 0. Hence 2cx = 0 and this must hold for all x. Therefore, c = 0. Thisshows that these functions are linearly independent. Since they also span, these must yielda basis.Example 16.3.13 Let V be the polynomials of degree no more than 2. Is{xP +x+1,2x+1,3x?+1}a basis for V?If these vectors are linearly independent, then they must be a basis since otherwise,you could obtain four functions in V which are linearly independent which is impossiblebecause there is a spanning set of only three vectors, namely {1,x,x°}. Suppose then thata(x° +x+1)+b(2x+1) +c (3x7 +1) =0Then(a+3c)x* +(a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0From the above example, you know thata+3c=0, a+2b=0, a+b+c=0and there is only one solution to this system of equations, a= b = c = 0. Therefore, theseare linearly independent and hence are a basis for this vector space.16.4 Vector Spaces And Fields*16.4.1 Irreducible PolynomialsI mentioned earlier that most things hold for arbitrary fields. However, I have not botheredto give any examples of other fields. This is the point of this section. It also turns out thatshowing the algebraic numbers are a field can be understood using vector space concepts