is also called a column vector. The 1×n matrix(x1 · · · xn

)is called a row vector.

Although the following description of matrix multiplication may seem strange, it is infact the most important and useful of the matrix operations. To begin with consider thecase where a matrix is multiplied by a column vector. First consider a special case.

(1 2 34 5 6

) 789


By definition, this equals










)In more general terms,

(a11 a12 a13

a21 a22 a23

) x1



 = x1



)+ x2



)+ x3





(a11x1 +a12x2 +a13x3

a21x1 +a22x2 +a23x3


Thus you take x1 times the first column, add to x2 times the second column, and finally x3times the third column. The above sum is called a linear combination of the given columnvectors. These will be discussed more later. In general, a linear combination of vectors isjust a sum consisting of scalars times vectors. When you multiply a matrix on the left by avector on the right, the numbers making up the vector are just the scalars to be used in thelinear combination of the columns as illustrated above.

More generally, here is the definition of how to multiply an (m×n) matrix times a(n×1) matrix (column vector).

Definition 5.1.9 Let A = Ai j be an m×n matrix and let v be an n×1 matrix,

v =



 , A = (a1, · · · ,an)

where ai is an m×1 column vector. Then Av, written as

(a1 · · · an



 ,

84 CHAPTER 5. MATRICESis also called a column vector. The | x n matrix(a = ow)is called a row vector.Although the following description of matrix multiplication may seem strange, it is infact the most important and useful of the matrix operations. To begin with consider thecase where a matrix is multiplied by a column vector. First consider a special case.1 2 3 78 | =?4 5 69By definition, this equals(a) }e( Gm)In more general terms,x]aii 412. 443 ay a2 ay3x2 = Xx +X2 +X3a21 422. 423 x a2\ a22 a233NnA11X1 + 2X2 + 13X3A2\X1 + A22X2 + A23X3Thus you take x; times the first column, add to x2 times the second column, and finally x3times the third column. The above sum is called a linear combination of the given columnvectors. These will be discussed more later. In general, a linear combination of vectors isjust a sum consisting of scalars times vectors. When you multiply a matrix on the left by avector on the right, the numbers making up the vector are just the scalars to be used in thelinear combination of the columns as illustrated above.More generally, here is the definition of how to multiply an (m xn) matrix times a(n x 1) matrix (column vector).Definition 5.1.9 Let A = Aj; be anm xn matrix and let v be ann x | matrix,where a; is anm X 1 column vector. Then AV, written asV1(a a )f: |,Vn