2.1. MATRICES 39

All the above is fine, but the real reason for considering matrices is that they can bemultiplied. This is where things quit being banal.

First consider the problem of multiplying an m × n matrix by an n × 1 column vector.Consider the following example

(1 2 3

4 5 6

) 7



 =?

It equals




)+ 8



)+ 9



)Thus it is what is called a linear combination of the columns. These will be discussedmore later. Motivated by this example, here is the definition of how to multiply an m × nmatrix by an n× 1 matrix (vector).

Definition 2.1.3 Let A = Aij be an m× n matrix and let v be an n× 1 matrix,

v =



 , A = (a1, · · · ,an)

where ai is an m× 1 vector. Then Av, written as

(a1 · · · an



 ,

is the m× 1 column vector which equals the following linear combination of the columns.

v1a1 + v2a2 + · · ·+ vnan ≡n∑


vjaj (2.9)

If the jth column of A is A1j




then 2.9 takes the form






+ v2





+ · · ·+ vn





Thus the ith entry of Av is

∑nj=1Aijvj . Note that multiplication by an m× n matrix takes

an n× 1 matrix, and produces an m× 1 matrix (vector).

2.1. MATRICES 39All the above is fine, but the real reason for considering matrices is that they can bemultiplied. This is where things quit being banal.First consider the problem of multiplying an m x n matrix by an n x 1 column vector.Consider the following example1 2 8 i8 | =?(ise)9(C)()()Thus it is what is called a linear combination of the columns. These will be discussedmore later. Motivated by this example, here is the definition of how to multiply an m x nmatrix by an n x 1 matrix (vector).It equalsDefinition 2.1.3 Let A= Aj; be anim x n matriz and let v be ann x 1 matrix,U1v= : , A=(ai,-:: an)Unwhere a; is anm x 1 vector. Then Av, written asU1(a a )f = |.Unis the m x 1 column vector which equals the following linear combination of the columns.vyay + ugag +--+ + Upan = Souja; (2.9)j=lIf the j*” column of A isAj;Am;then 2.9 takes the formAu Ai2 AinAa Ag2 AonUL + v2 Fre + UnAmi Am2 AmnThus the i” entry of Av is a1 Ajjv;. Note that multiplication by an m x n matrix takesann x1 matriz, and produces an m x 1 matrix (vector).