Thanks to 2.2,


λ0P = x0v

T = P, P



)= x0v




)= x0v

T = P, (2.3)

andP 2 = x0v

Tx0vT = vTx0 = P. (2.4)

Therefore, (A

λ0− P






− 2



)P + P 2





− P.

Continuing this way, using 2.3 repeatedly, it follows((A


)− P






− P. (2.5)

The eigenvalues of(


)− P are of interest because it is powers of this matrix which

determine the convergence of(


)mto P. Therefore, let µ be a nonzero eigenvalue of this

matrix. Thus ((A


)− P

)x = µx (2.6)

for x ̸= 0, and µ ̸= 0. Applying P to both sides and using the second formula of 2.3 yields

0 = (P − P )x =




)− P 2

)x = µPx.

But since Px = 0, it follows from 2.6 that

Ax = λ0µx

which implies λ0µ is an eigenvalue of A. Therefore, by Corollary B.0.5 it follows that eitherλ0µ = λ0 in which case µ = 1, or λ0 |µ| < λ0 which implies |µ| < 1. But if µ = 1, then x isa multiple of x0 and 2.6 would yield((



)− P

)x0 = x0

which says x0−x0vTx0 = x0 and so by 2.2, x0 = 0 contrary to the property that x0 >> 0.

Therefore, |µ| < 1 and so this has shown that the absolute values of all eigenvalues of(Aλ0

)− P are less than 1. By Gelfand’s theorem, Theorem 13.3.3, it follows

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣(( Aλ0)− P

)m∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣1/m < r < 1

whenever m is large enough. Now by 2.5 this yields∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣( Aλ0)m

− P

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣(( Aλ0)− P

)m∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ rm

392 APPENDIX B. POSITIVE MATRICESThanks to 2.2,Ap =xov' =P, P (+) =xgv- (=) =xov' =P, (2.3)andP? =xov' xpv! = v' x) = P. (2.4)Therefore,Continuing this way, using 2.3 repeatedly, it follows(4)-r)"-(8)"-* “The eigenvalues of (4) — P are of interest because it is powers of this matrix whichmdetermine the convergence of (4) to P. Therefore, let ~. be a nonzero eigenvalue of this(2) cafor x £0, and 4 40. Applying P to both sides and using the second formula of 2.3 yields0=(P-P)x=(P (=) —P?) x= urs0matrix. ThusBut since Px = 0, it follows from 2.6 thatAx = Aouxwhich implies App is an eigenvalue of A. Therefore, by Corollary B.0.5 it follows that eitherAoft = Ao in which case po = 1, or Ao |u| < Ao which implies |u| < 1. But if 4 = 1, then x isa multiple of xg and 2.6 would yield(4) -r)e—which says x9 — X9v/ Xo = Xo and so by 2.2, x9 = O contrary to the property that x) >> 0.Therefore, |j1| < 1 and so this has shown that the absolute values of all eigenvalues of(4) — P are less than 1. By Gelfand’s theorem, Theorem 13.3.3, it follows(G)-*)whenever m is large enough. Now by 2.5 this yields(8-1-9 ler1/m<r<l