Proof: To verify the claim about the determinants, note(A 0



(A 0

0 I

)(I 0





(A 0


)= det

(A 0

0 I


(I 0



But it is clear from the method of Laplace expansion that


(A 0

0 I

)= detA

and from the multilinear properties of the determinant and row operations that


(I 0


)= det

(I 0

0 C

)= detC.

The case where M is upper block triangular is similar.This immediately implies σ (M) = σ (A) ∪ σ (C) .

Theorem B.0.9 Let A > 0 and let λ0 be given in 2.7. If λ is an eigenvalue for A suchthat |λ| = λ0, then λ/λ0 is a root of unity. Thus (λ/λ0)

m= 1 for some m ∈ N.

Proof: Applying Theorem B.0.7 to AT , there exists v > 0 such that ATv = λ0v. Inthe first part of the argument it is assumed v >> 0. Now suppose Ax = λx,x ̸= 0 and that|λ| = λ0. Then

A |x| ≥ |λ| |x| = λ0 |x|

and it follows that if A |x| > |λ| |x| , then since v >> 0,

λ0 (v, |x|) < (v,A |x|) =(ATv, |x|

)= λ0 (v, |x|) ,

a contradiction. Therefore,A |x| = λ0 |x| . (2.8)

It follows that ∣∣∣∣∣∣∑j


∣∣∣∣∣∣ = λ0 |xi| =∑j

Aij |xj |

and so the complex numbers,Aijxj , Aikxk

must have the same argument for every k, j because equality holds in the triangle in-equality. Therefore, there exists a complex number, µi such that

Aijxj = µiAij |xj | (2.9)

and so, letting r ∈ N,Aijxjµ

rj = µiAij |xj |µr

j .

Summing on j yields ∑j

Aijxjµrj = µi


Aij |xj |µrj . (2.10)

394 APPENDIX B. POSITIVE MATRICESProof: To verify the claim about the determinants, note(2 2)-(25)(62)w(48)-m(4 Sm(5 2)But it is clear from the method of Laplace expansion thatvei( 4 y) ata0 TLand from the multilinear properties of the determinant and row operations thatdet ro = det ro = det C.BC 0 CThe case where M is upper block triangular is similar.This immediately implies o (IZ) = 0 (A)Uo(C).Therefore,Theorem B.0.9 Let A > 0 and let Xo be given in 2.7. If X is an eigenvalue for A suchthat |A| = Ao, then A/Xo is a root of unity. Thus (A/Ao)"” = 1 for somem EN.Proof: Applying Theorem B.0.7 to A’, there exists v > 0 such that A? v = ov. Inthe first part of the argument it is assumed v >> 0. Now suppose Ax = Ax,x 4 0 and that|A| = Ao. ThenA|x| 2 |A| [x] = Ao |x|and it follows that if A |x| > |A||x|, then since v >> 0,do (v, |x|) < (vA |x|) = (ATV, |x|) = Ao (v, |x|),a contradiction. Therefore,A |x| = Ao |x| - (2.8)It follows thatSo Aij2; = Xo |xi| = So Ai |x|j jand so the complex numbers,Ajjxj, Aik@emust have the same argument for every k,7 because equality holds in the triangle in-equality. Therefore, there exists a complex number, js; such thatAjjxj = MW Aij |x)| (2.9)and so, letting r € N,Aijgajpi = by Aig |x,\ H-Summing on j yieldsSo Aig gu’ = py > Aig || a. (2.10)j ij