There is a special matrix called I and defined by
Iij = δij
where δij is the Kronecker symbol defined by
δij =
{1 if i = j
0 if i ̸= j
It is called the identity matrix because it is a multiplicative identity in the following sense.
Lemma 2.1.21 Suppose A is an m× n matrix and In is the n× n identity matrix. ThenAIn = A. If Im is the m×m identity matrix, it also follows that ImA = A.
(AIn)ij =∑k
= Aij
and so AIn = A. The other case is left as an exercise for you.
Definition 2.1.22 An n × n matrix A has an inverse A−1 if and only if there exists amatrix, denoted as A−1 such that AA−1 = A−1A = I where I = (δij) for
δij ≡
{1 if i = j
0 if i ̸= j
Such a matrix is called invertible.
If it acts like an inverse, then it is the inverse. This is the message of the followingproposition.
Proposition 2.1.23 Suppose AB = BA = I. Then B = A−1.
Proof: From the definition B is an inverse for A. Could there be another one B′?
B′ = B′I = B′ (AB) = (B′A)B = IB = B.
Thus, the inverse, if it exists, is unique. ■
2.1.4 Finding The Inverse of a Matrix
A little later a formula is given for the inverse of a matrix. However, it is not a good wayto find the inverse for a matrix. There is a much easier way and it is this which is presentedhere. It is also important to note that not all matrices have inverses.
Example 2.1.24 Let A =
(1 1
1 1
). Does A have an inverse?
One might think A would have an inverse because it does not equal zero. However,(1 1
1 1