showing that Q (t) is a linear transformation. Also, Q (t) preserves all distances because,since the vectors, i (t) , j (t) ,k (t) form an orthonormal set,

|Q (t)u| =




= |u| .

Lemma 2.8.3 Suppose Q (t) is a real, differentiable n×n matrix which preserves distances.

Then Q (t)Q (t)T= Q (t)

TQ (t) = I. Also, if u (t) ≡ Q (t)u, then there exists a vector, Ω (t)

such thatu′ (t) = Ω (t)× u (t) .

The symbol × refers to the cross product.

Proof: Recall that (z ·w) = 14

(|z+w|2 − |z−w|2

). Therefore,

(Q (t)u·Q (t)w) =1


(|Q (t) (u+w)|2 − |Q (t) (u−w)|2




(|u+w|2 − |u−w|2

)= (u ·w) .

This implies (Q (t)

TQ (t)u ·w

)= (u ·w)

for all u,w. Therefore, Q (t)TQ (t)u = u and so Q (t)

TQ (t) = Q (t)Q (t)

T= I. This proves

the first part of the lemma.It follows from the product rule, Lemma 2.8.2 that

Q′ (t)Q (t)T+Q (t)Q′ (t)

T= 0

and so

Q′ (t)Q (t)T= −

(Q′ (t)Q (t)


. (2.28)

From the definition, Q (t)u = u (t) ,

u′ (t) = Q′ (t)u =Q′ (t)

=u︷ ︸︸ ︷Q (t)

Tu (t).

Then writing the matrix of Q′ (t)Q (t)T

with respect to fixed in space orthonormal basisvectors, i∗, j∗,k∗, where these are the usual basis vectors for R3, it follows from 2.28 thatthe matrix of Q′ (t)Q (t)

Tis of the form 0 −ω3 (t) ω2 (t)

ω3 (t) 0 −ω1 (t)

−ω2 (t) ω1 (t) 0

for some time dependent scalars ωi. Therefore, u1





 0 −ω3 (t) ω2 (t)

ω3 (t) 0 −ω1 (t)

−ω2 (t) ω1 (t) 0

 u1



 (t)

68 CHAPTER 2. LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONSshowing that Q(¢) is a linear transformation. Also, Q(t) preserves all distances because,since the vectors, i(¢) ,j(¢),k(¢) form an orthonormal set,3 1/2IQ (t) ul = (>: wy) = |ul.i=1Lemma 2.8.3 Suppose Q(t) is a real, differentiable n x n matria which preserves distances.Then Q (t) Q(t)’ = Q(t)’ Q(t) =I. Also, if u(t) = Q (t) u, then there exists a vector, 2 (t)such thatw (t) = Q(t) x u(t).The symbol x refers to the cross product.Proof: Recall that (z- w) = + (Iz +w|? —|z— w|") . Therefore,(Q)uQitw) = 5 (la@) (a+)? - |@@) (u—w)*)= 5 (ju+w)?— uw?)= (u-w).This implies(2"QWu-w) =(u-w)for all u,w. Therefore, Q(t)’ Q (t)u = uand so Q(t) Q(t) = Q(t) Q(t)’ = I. This provesthe first part of the lemma.It follows from the product rule, Lemma 2.8.2 thatQ(t) Q(t) +Q (HQ ("=Oand soQA We@w"=-(AWeQ0") . (2.28)From the definition, Q (t)u = u(t),uw’ (t) = Q' (t)u =Q' (t) Q(t)" u(t).Then writing the matrix of Q’ (t) Q(t)’ with respect to fixed in space orthonormal basisvectors, i*,j*,k*, where these are the usual basis vectors for R°, it follows from 2.28 thatthe matrix of Q’ (t) Q(t)” is of the form0 —W3 (t) W92 (t)W3 (t) 0 Wy (t)—W2 (t) W1 (t) 0for some time dependent scalars w;. Therefore,/