Summary Count Ciano, under date of December 4, 1941.“ Berlin’s reaction to the Japanese move is extremely cautious. Perhaps they will accept because they cannot get out of it.” On December 11, 1941, the No Separate Peace Pact was signed by Japan, Germany and Italy in Berlin, and Germany formally declared war against the United States. Three days thereafter, December 14, 1941, Hitler decorated OSHIMA with the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the German Eagle in gold. The record of that ceremony records “With cordial words he (Hitler) acknowledges his services in the achievement of a German-Japanese cooperation, which has now obtained its culmination in a close brotherhood of arms. General OSHIMA expresses his thanks for this great honor and emphasizes how glad he is that this brotherhood of arms has now come about between Germany and Japan.” If there were no other proof available, it would seem that the German documents in our possession clearly prove the existence of a conspiracy between Germany and Japan to wage aggressive war. The document under which the war plans and preparation of Japan is attempted to be justified is the Tripartite Pact. The only justification Japan attempts to present for invoking the aid of Germany in the Pacific war is that same document. The one person, from the point of view of Japan, who did as much or more than anyone else toward aligning Japan, Germany and Italy together in that pact, was Ambassador OSHIMA. His activities in that regard during the negotiations that collapsed in the summer of 1939, were clearly beyond the duties of Ambassador. He took the initiative and disagreed with his own Government. While he was not in public life when the pact was concluded his ideas had prevailed and almost immediately after the pact was signed he was appointed to his old ambassadorial post where he effectuated the cooperation contemplated by the pact. I recommend that he be named as a conspirator and made a defendant. The above Summary is by G. Osmond Hyde. Notice various names written in all capitals. This means they were defendants in the Tokyo trial. Some, like Yamashita were tried elsewhere. Takua Godo was originally a defendant, but was released. Nagamo was also a defendant, but had a heart attack and died in prison. MATSUOKA also died during the proceedings so is not listed in the verdict, but I have left his name in all capitals because he played such a major part in the case. 10