1 Feb. 1946, 1000-1215 hours A. I first went to Elementary school in Nagoya and from there to Tokyo to Elementary and Middle School, and subsequently entered the Preliminary Military Academy in 1899, continued my military education until 1906. When I was commissioned a 2 nd Lieutenant in the Artillery. Q. This military school you attended, was it comparable to our West Point? A. In a sense, yes. Q. Did you at that time intend to pursue a military career? A. Yes, that is so. Q. After 1906, at the time you graduated, what did you do then? A. I shall give you a rough outline of my military career: following Graduation from the Military Academy I attended the Artillery Engineers School, the Riding Academy, and eventually the War College, following which I was attached to GHQ for some time. Then in 1921, I was sent to Germany as one of the members of the Military Attache staff and returned to Japan in 1925 - mainly, my duties were to inspect German military establishments of that period. In 1923 I went to Vienna as Military Attache. Q. How long did you stay there? A. About two years because I came back to Japan in March 1925. Q. Did you return to Japan from Vienna or did you go back to Germany and return from Germany? A. Directly from Vienna. Q. This mission that you had in Germany, inspecting military establishments, was that a practice that was common with respect to Military Attaches in all countries to which Japan sent them, or was that true only of Germany? A. I might explain that at that time there was still a Control Commission in Germany, which was an Allied affair. Japan was one of the members of this commission. In addition, their Military Attache was stationed at the Embassy there and as one of his assistants my duties were more general than direct inspection of military establishments and the like, which was handled by the military commission, so that mainly my duties consisted of writing up reports and doing various office jobs. Q. Let us pursue a little further with the record of your public activities. We now have it up to the point where you returned to Japan in 1925; now let us trace it a little further and find out what next you did. A. following my return to Japan I served for a time as Battalion Commander of the 8 th Artillery School, and after this was in the Inspector-General of Military Education’s Department as one of the officers attached to the Artillery Section. Following this for one year I was commanding Officer of the 10 th Artillery Regiment. In August 1931 I was attached to the General Staff in the First Division, the Bureau of Internal Defense, where I stayed until April of 1934, when I was sent to Berlin as Military Attache. Q. Your first mission to Berlin was just on the Staff of the Military Attache, is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. And in 1934, when you returned you went in the capacity of the Military Attache? A. Yes, as a Colonel. 13