6 FEB. 1946 Date and Time: 6 February 1946, 1400-1610 hours Place: Sugamo Prison, Tokyo, Japan Present: General Hiroshi OSHIMA G. Osmond Hyde, Interrogator Lt. Comdr. F.B. Huggins, U.S.N.R., Interpreter Miss Lucille G. Brunner, Stenographer. Questions by: Mr. Hyde. OATH OF INTERPRETER Mr. Hyde: “Lt. Comdr. Huggins, the Interpreter, having been duly sworn on previous interrogations of General OSHIMA, now continues to interpret from English to Japanese and from Japanese into English, as required in this proceeding. Q. General, you may proceed with the recital of the story of the events relative to the Tri-Party Pact. A. I shall give you a general picture of the events leading up to the Tri-Party Pact, and if you have any questions during my recital, or afterwards, please interject. Q. General, do you remember the point at which you left off when we met last time? A. Yes. Q. You may proceed from that point. A. Major General Kasahara arrived back in Japan in August 1938, after having flown in as far as Singapore and proceeded from there by ship. Upon his return he spoke to the general Staff, who in turn spoke of the matter to the then Foreign Minister, Ugaki. The Foreign Minister in turn discussed the matter with the five Cabinet members committee. This was a committee among the Cabinet ministers which discussed particularly important matters. A telegram was then received by me from the General Staff stating that they were more or less in accord and that the 5 man committee was also agreeable to the suggestion. Q. General, can you tell us what ministers these five were? A. This is simply from my memory and I am not absolutely certain, but I think the 5 man committee consisted of the Prime Minister, Konoye, the Foreign Minister, Ugaki; the Finance Minister, Ikeda; the War Minister, ITAGAKI; and the Navy Minister, Yonai. 39