7 FEB. 1946 Date and Time: 7 February 1946, 1345-1600 hours Place: Sugamo Prison, Tokyo, Japan Present: General Hiroshi OSHIMA G. Osmond Hyde, Interrogator Lt. Comdr. F.B. Huggins, U.S.N.R., Interpreter Miss Lucille G. Brunner, Stenographer. Questions by: Mr. Hyde. OATH OF INTERPRETER Mr. Hyde: “Lt. Comdr. Huggins, the Interpreter, having been duly sworn on previous interrogations of General OSHIMA, now continues to interpret from English to Japanese and from Japanese into English, as required in this proceeding. Q. General, you may continue with your recital of your story of the Tri-Party Pact from the point where you left off when we adjourned yesterday. A. In regard to what I spoke to you about yesterday, I would like to have you read back to me the portion of the transcript following my dispatching the first communication to Japan as Ambassador. Q. The reporter will read that portion of the transcript. (Same was read by Miss Brunner). A. The first telegram was sent to Japan after I took office as Ambassador. While I am not certain what its date was, I believe it was in the beginning of November 1938. The answer did not arrive and I sent another one as I told you. Finally, after I sent the second telegram in December 1938, I received the answer which in general stated that because differences might arise between Japan and Germany upon the question of naming Russia as the principal concern and the other nations as secondary, in order to clarify this they would send a Commission from Tokyo. The Germans spoke to me in December 1938, regarding their wish. They had approached the Italians also. My communication to the Foreign Office requesting permission to proceed on this mission was sent in December 1938, and the answer was received from Foreign Minister Arita in the same month. Q. You may continue, General. A. The Ito mission first went to Italy, as it was on their road and after staying there for two or three days proceeded to Berlin arriving around the beginning of February 1939. A few days after this Ambassador SHIRATORI also came to Berlin from Italy. Ito had with him the Government’s plan 45