6.11. THE SPACE L (Fn,Fm) 115

The first two properties are obvious but you should verify them. It remains to verify thenorm is well defined and also to verify the triangle inequality above. First if |x| ≤ 1, and(Ai j) is the matrix of the linear transformation with respect to the usual basis vectors, then

||A|| = max





: |x| ≤ 1

= max



∣∣∣∣∣∑jAi jx j


: |x| ≤ 1

which is a finite number by the extreme value theorem.

It is clear that a basis for L (Fn,Fm) consists of linear transformations whose matricesare of the form Ei j where Ei j consists of the m×n matrix having all zeros except for a 1 inthe i jth position. In effect, this considers L (Fn,Fm) as Fnm. Think of the m×n matrix asa long vector folded up.

If x ̸= 0,

|Ax| 1|x|


∣∣∣∣A x|x|

∣∣∣∣≤ ||A|| (6.11.12)

It only remains to verify completeness. Suppose then that {Ak} is a Cauchy sequence inL (Fn,Fm) . Then from 6.11.12 {Akx} is a Cauchy sequence for each x ∈ Fn. This followsbecause

|Akx−Alx| ≤ ||Ak−Al || |x|

which converges to 0 as k, l→ ∞. Therefore, by completeness of Fm, there exists Ax, thename of the thing to which the sequence, {Akx} converges such that


Akx = Ax.

Then A is linear because

A(ax+by) ≡ limk→∞

Ak (ax+by)

= limk→∞


= a limk→∞

Akx+b limk→∞


= aAx+bAy.

By the first part of this argument, ||A||<∞ and so A∈L (Fn,Fm) . This proves the theorem.

Proposition 6.11.4 Let A(x) ∈ L (Fn,Fm) for each x ∈ U ⊆ Fp. Then letting (Ai j (x))denote the matrix of A(x) with respect to the standard basis, it follows Ai j is continuous atx for each i, j if and only if for all ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that if |x−y|< δ , then||A(x)−A(y)||< ε . That is, A is a continuous function having values in L (Fn,Fm) at x.

6.11. THE SPACE Y (F",F”) 115The first two properties are obvious but you should verify them. It remains to verify thenorm is well defined and also to verify the triangle inequality above. First if |x| < 1, and(A;;) is the matrix of the linear transformation with respect to the usual basis vectors, thenIIA]1/2max (Eis) : |x| <1n\ 1/22 |x| <1max yivain;jwhich is a finite number by the extreme value theorem.It is clear that a basis for & (F”, F’”") consists of linear transformations whose matricesare of the form £;; where E;; consists of the m x n matrix having all zeros except for a | inthe ij” position. In effect, this considers Y (F",F”) as F””. Think of the m x n matrix asa long vector folded up.Ifx 40,1_|,%[x[xIt only remains to verify completeness. Suppose then that {A;} is a Cauchy sequence in2 (F",F”). Then from 6.11.12 {A,x} is a Cauchy sequence for each x € F”. This followsbecause|Ax| 4 < ||A]| (6.11.12)|Aex — A/x| < ||Ax — Ad|| |x|which converges to 0 as k,! — co. Therefore, by completeness of F’”’, there exists Ax, thename of the thing to which the sequence, {A;x} converges such thatlim A,x = Ax.k- 00Then A is linear becauseA(ax+by) = jim Ax (ax + by)—oo= lim (aAyx + bAxy)k—-00= alimA,x+b lim Ayyk- 00 k—-y00= aAx-+bDAy.By the first part of this argument, ||A|| <oandsoA € # (F", F”) . This proves the theorem.Proposition 6.11.4 Let A(x) € @(F",F”) for each x € U C F?. Then letting (Ai; (x))denote the matrix of A(x) with respect to the standard basis, it follows Aj; is continuous atx for each i, j if and only if for all € > 0, there exists a 6 > 0 such that if |x —y| < 6, then\|A (x) —A(y)|| < € That is, A is a continuous function having values in & (F",F”) at x.