6.13. C1 FUNCTIONS 123

Definition 6.13.6 Let g : U ⊆∏ni=1Fri → Fq, where U is an open set. Then the map xi→

g(x) is a function from the open set in Fri ,

{x : x =(x1, · · · ,xi−1,x,xi+1, · · · ,xn) ∈U}

to Fq. When this map is differentiable, its derivative is denoted by Dig(x). To aid in thenotation, for v ∈ Fri , let θ iv ∈∏

ni=1Fri be the vector (0, · · · ,v, · · · ,0) where the v is in the

ith slot and for v ∈∏ni=1Fri , let vi denote the entry in the ith slot of v. Thus, by saying

xi→ g(x) is differentiable is meant that for v ∈ Fri sufficiently small,

g(x+θ iv)−g(x) = Dig(x)v+o(v) .

Note Dig(x) ∈L (Fri ,∏ni=1Fri) .

Here is a generalization of Theorem 6.13.5.

Theorem 6.13.7 Let g,U,∏ni=1Fri , be given as in Definition 6.13.6. Then g is C1 (U) if

and only if Dig exists and is continuous on U for each i. In this case,

Dg(x)(v) = ∑k

Dkg(x)vk (6.13.21)

where v = (v1, · · · ,vn) .

Proof: Suppose then that Dig exists and is continuous for each i. Note that ∑kj=1 θ jv j =

(v1, · · · ,vk,0, · · · ,0). Thus ∑nj=1 θ jv j = v and define ∑

0j=1 θ jv j ≡ 0. Therefore,

g(x+v)−g(x) =n






θ jv j





θ jv j


Consider the terms in this sum.





θ jv j





θ jv j

)= g(x+θ kvk)−g(x)+ (6.13.23)





θ jv j

)−g(x+θ kvk)






θ jv j



and the expression in 6.13.24 is of the form h(vk)−h(0) where for small w ∈ Frk ,

h(w)≡ g




θ jv j +θ kw

)−g(x+θ kw) .


Dh(w) = Dkg




θ jv j +θ kw

)−Dkg(x+θ kw)

6.13. C! FUNCTIONS 123Definition 6.13.6 Let g:U C[]j_, F’ — F*, where U is an open set. Then the map x;g (x) is a function from the open set in F",{XX =(X1,-°° »Xi-1,X,Xj41,°°° Xn) €U}to F?. When this map is differentiable, its derivative is denoted by Djg(x). To aid in thenotation, for v € F", let 0;v € []_, F” be the vector (0,--- ,v,--- ,0) where the v is in thei” slot and for Vv €]]j_, F%, let vi denote the entry in the i” slot of v. Thus, by sayingx; — g(x) is differentiable is meant that for v € F"' sufficiently small,g(x+6;v) —g(x) =Dig(x)v+o(v).Note Dig (x) € 2 (F", J], F”).Here is a generalization of Theorem 6.13.5.Theorem 6.13.7 Let g,U,[]j_, F", be given as in Definition 6.13.6. Then g is C!(U) ifand only if Dig exists and is continuous on U for each i. In this case,v) =) Dg (x) vi (6.13.21)kwhere V = (V1,-*+,Vn)-Proof: Suppose then that D;g exists and is continuous for each 7. Note that yi 19jVj=(v1,-++,¥%,0,---,0). Thus )%_| 6;v; = v and define Yi 6 |v; = 0. Therefore,k k-1e(s+ Low) «(x Een)] (6.13.22)j=l j=lConsider the terms in this sum.k k-1g [x y oni) “(x y 3) w) = g(x+6xv,) —g(x)+ (6.13.23)j=! j=(: (s: y oni) g(x+OxVx) \)- (: (x5 yi 6; w)- 2) (6.13.24)j=land the expression in 6.13.24 is of the form h(v,) —h(0) where for small w € F’*,g(xt+v)— y=yh(w) = (Eo, v0) - g(x+O.w).Therefore,k=1Dh(w) = Dig (x: y 0jvj+ a) — Dyg (x+ 0;w)j=l