It remains to verify this function is a C1 function. To do this, let y1 and y2 be points ofB(y0,η) . Then as before, consider the ith component of f and consider the same argumentusing the mean value theorem to write

0 = fi (x(y1) ,y1)− fi (x(y2) ,y2)= fi (x(y1) ,y1)− fi (x(y2) ,y1)+ fi (x(y2) ,y1)− fi (x(y2) ,y2)= D1 fi


)(x(y1)−x(y2))+D2 fi

(x(y2) ,yi

)(y1−y2) .

Therefore,J(x1, · · · ,xn,y1

)(x(y1)−x(y2)) =−M (y1−y2) (6.16.30)

where M is the matrix whose ith row is D2 fi(x(y2) ,yi

). Then from 6.16.28 there exists a

constant, C independent of the choice of y ∈ B(y0,η) such that∣∣∣∣∣∣J (x1, · · · ,xn,y)−1∣∣∣∣∣∣<C

whenever(x1, · · · ,xn

)∈ B(x0,δ )

n. By continuity of the partial derivatives of f it also fol-

lows there exists a constant, C1 such that ||D2 fi (x,y)||<C1 whenever, (x,y) ∈ B(x0,δ )×B(y0,η) . Hence ||M|| must also be bounded independent of the choice of y1 and y2 inB(y0,η) . From 6.16.30, it follows there exists a constant, C such that for all y1,y2 inB(y0,η) ,

|x(y1)−x(y2)| ≤C |y1−y2| . (6.16.31)

It follows as in the proof of the chain rule that

o(x(y+v)−x(y)) = o(v) . (6.16.32)

Now let y ∈ B(y0,η) and let |v| be sufficiently small that y+v ∈ B(y0,η) . Then

0 = f(x(y+v) ,y+v)− f(x(y) ,y)= f(x(y+v) ,y+v)− f(x(y+v) ,y)+ f(x(y+v) ,y)− f(x(y) ,y)

= D2f(x(y+v) ,y)v+D1f(x(y) ,y)(x(y+v)−x(y))+o(|x(y+v)−x(y)|)

= D2f(x(y) ,y)v+D1f(x(y) ,y)(x(y+v)−x(y))+o(|x(y+v)−x(y)|)+(D2f(x(y+v) ,y)v−D2f(x(y) ,y)v)

= D2f(x(y) ,y)v+D1f(x(y) ,y)(x(y+v)−x(y))+o(v) .

Therefore,x(y+v)−x(y) =−D1f(x(y) ,y)−1 D2f(x(y) ,y)v+o(v)

which shows that Dx(y) = −D1f(x(y) ,y)−1 D2f(x(y) ,y) and y→Dx(y) is continuous.This proves the theorem.

In practice, how do you verify the condition, D1f(x0,y0)−1 ∈L (Fn,Fn)?

f(x,y) =

 f1 (x1, · · · ,xn,y1, · · · ,yn)...

fn (x1, · · · ,xn,y1, · · · ,yn)

 .

6.16. IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM 129It remains to verify this function is a C! function. To do this, let y; and y2 be points ofB(yo,1). Then as before, consider the i” component of f and consider the same argumentusing the mean value theorem to write0= fi(x(yi),y1) — fi (*(Y2),Y2)= fi(X(¥1) 5¥1) — fi (X(y2) .¥1) + Si (X (Y2) -¥1) — fi (* (Y2) -Y2)= Dy fi (x',y1) (x(y1) —x(y2)) + Dofi (x (y2) .y') (vi —y2)-Therefore,J (x!,-++ x”, yi) (x(y1) —x(y2)) = —M (yi —y2) (6.16.30)where M is the matrix whose i’" row is D> f; (x (y2) y') . Then from 6.16.28 there exists aconstant, C independent of the choice of y € B(yo, 17) such thatVota) "|| <ewhenever (x!,---,x”) € B(xo, 5). By continuity of the partial derivatives of f it also fol-lows there exists a constant, C such that ||D2 fj (x, y)|| <C; whenever, (x,y) € B(xo, 5) xB(yo,7)-. Hence ||M|| must also be bounded independent of the choice of y; and y2 inB(yo,n). From 6.16.30, it follows there exists a constant, C such that for all y;,y2 inB (yo, n) ’Ix(y1) —x(y2)| <Cly1 — yo]. (6.16.31)It follows as in the proof of the chain rule that0(x(y+v) —x(y)) =o(v). (6.16.32)Now let y € B(yo, 7) and let |v| be sufficiently small that y + v € B(yo,7). Then0 = f(x(y+v),y+v)—f(x(y),y)= f(x(y+v),y+v)—f(x(y+v),y) +f(x(y+v),y) —f(x(y),y)= Dof (x(y+v),y)v+Dif(x(y),y) (x(yt+v) —x(y)) +0([x(y+v) —x(y)|)Dof (x(y) ,y) v+ Dif (x(y) ,y) (k(y+v) —x(y)) +0(|x(y +v) —x(y)|) + (Daf(x(y + v) ,y) v-Dof (x (y) ,y) v)Dof (x(y),y) v+ Dif (x(y),y) (x(y+v) —x(y)) +0(v).Therefore,x(y+v) —x(y) = —Dif(x(y),y) | Dof(x(y),y)v+0(v)which shows that Dx (y) = —Djf(x(y) ,y) | Dof(x(y),y) and y +Dx/(y) is continuous.This proves the theorem.In practice, how do you verify the condition, Dif (xo, yo) | € Z (F",F")?fi (x1,°°° Xn V15°°* Yn)f(x,y) = :tn (x1,°°° Xn, V15°°* Yn)