Proof: Suppose this is not true and that f is continuous but not uniformly continuous.Then there exists ε > 0 such that for all δ > 0 there exist points, pδ and qδ such thatd (pδ ,qδ ) < δ and yet d ( f (pδ ) , f (qδ )) ≥ ε . Let pn and qn be the points which go withδ = 1/n. By Proposition 7.6.5 {pn} has a convergent subsequence,


}converging to a

point, x ∈ X . Since d (pn,qn)<1n , it follows that qnk → x also. Therefore,

ε ≤ d(



), f(qnk

))≤ d



), f (x)


f (x) , f(qnk

))but by continuity of f , both d



), f (x)

)and d

(f (x) , f


))converge to 0 as k→∞

contradicting the above inequality. This proves the theorem.Another important property of compact sets in a metric space concerns the finite inter-

section property.

Definition 7.7.4 If every finite subset of a collection of sets has nonempty intersection, thecollection has the finite intersection property.

Theorem 7.7.5 Suppose F is a collection of compact sets in a metric space, X which hasthe finite intersection property. Then there exists a point in their intersection. (∩F ̸= /0).

Proof: First I show each compact set is closed. Let K be a nonempty compact set andsuppose p /∈ K. Then for each x ∈ K, let Vx = B(x,d (p,x)/3) and Ux = B(p,d (p,x)/3) sothat Ux and Vx have empty intersection. Then since V is compact, there are finitely many Vxwhich cover K say Vx1 , · · · ,Vxn . Then let U = ∩n

i=1Uxi . It follows p ∈U and U has emptyintersection with K. In fact U has empty intersection with ∪n

i=1Vxi . Since U is an open setand p ∈ KC is arbitrary, it follows KC is an open set.

Consider now the claim about the intersection. If this were not so,


FC : F ∈F}= X

and so, in particular, picking some F0 ∈F ,{FC : F ∈F

}would be an open cover of F0. Since F0 is compact, some finite subcover, FC

1 , · · · ,FCm exists.

But thenF0 ⊆ ∪m


which means ∩mk=0Fk = /0, contrary to the finite intersection property. To see this, note that

if x ∈ F0, then it must fail to be in some Fk and so it is not in ∩mk=0Fk. Since this is true for

every x it follows ∩mk=0Fk = /0.

Theorem 7.7.6 Let Xi be a compact metric space with metric di. Then ∏mi=1 Xi is also a

compact metric space with respect to the metric, d (x,y)≡maxi (di (xi,yi)).

Proof: This is most easily seen from sequential compactness. Let{


k=1 be a se-quence of points in ∏

mi=1 Xi. Consider the ith component of xk, xk

i . It follows{


is a

148 CHAPTER 7. METRIC SPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL SPACESProof: Suppose this is not true and that f is continuous but not uniformly continuous.Then there exists € > 0 such that for all 6 > 0 there exist points, ps and qs such thatd(ps,ds) < 6 and yet d(f (ps), f(qs)) = €. Let py and g, be the points which go with6 = 1/n. By Proposition 7.6.5 {p,} has a convergent subsequence, { Pn, } converging to apoint, x € X. Since d (pn, gn) < i, it follows that gn, — x also. Therefore,ESAS (Pry) SF (dn) £4 (F (Png) S%)) +4 (F 0) -F (Gn)but by continuity of f, both d (f (pn, ) .f (x)) and d (f (x) ,,f (dn,)) converge to 0 as k + ©contradicting the above inequality. This proves the theorem.Another important property of compact sets in a metric space concerns the finite inter-section property.Definition 7.7.4 If every finite subset of a collection of sets has nonempty intersection, thecollection has the finite intersection property.Theorem 7.7.5 Suppose ¥ is a collection of compact sets in a metric space, X which hasthe finite intersection property. Then there exists a point in their intersection. (NF 4 Q).Proof: First I show each compact set is closed. Let K be a nonempty compact set andsuppose p ¢ K. Then for each x € K, let V, = B(x,d (p,x) /3) and U, = B(p,d (p,x) /3) sothat U,. and V,, have empty intersection. Then since V is compact, there are finitely many V,which cover K say V;,,--- ,Vx,- Then let U = M_,U;,,. It follows p € U and U has emptyintersection with K. In fact U has empty intersection with U’_,V;,. Since U is an open setand p € KC is arbitrary, it follows KC is an open set.Consider now the claim about the intersection. If this were not so,U{Fo:FEF}=xXand so, in particular, picking some Fo € F,{Fo: Fe F}would be an open cover of Fo. Since Fo is compact, some finite subcover, F; c on Fo exists.But thenFy CULL Fewhich means ™;_/; = 9, contrary to the finite intersection property. To see this, note thatif x € Fo, then it must fail to be in some F; and so it is not in My"_yF;. Since this is true forevery x it follows Nf pk = 0.Theorem 7.7.6 Let X; be a compact metric space with metric dj. Then J], X; is also acompact metric space with respect to the metric, d (x,y) = max; (d; (x;,yi)).Proof: This is most easily seen from sequential compactness. Let {xk} be a se-quence of points in []., X;. Consider the i” component of x‘, xk It follows {xf} isa