By equicontinuity, there exists δ > 0 such that if d (x,y) < δ , then d ( f (x) , f (y)) < ε

8for all f ∈ A . Let {xi}m

i=1 be a δ/2 net for X . Since there are only finitely many xi, itfollows from pointwise compactness that there exists a subsequence, still denoted by { fn}which converges at each xi. There exists xmn such that

ρ ( fn, fm)−ε

8< d ( fn (xmn) , fm (xnm))

≤ d ( fn (xnm) , fn (xi))+d ( fn (xi) , fm (xi))+d ( fm (xi) , fm (xnm))

8+d ( fn (xi) , fm (xi))+



where here xi is such that xnm ∈ B(xi,δ ). From the convergence of fn at each xi, there existsN such that if m,n > N, then for all xi,

d ( fn (xi) , fm (xi))<ε


Now 7.9.9 results in the contradiction,

ε− ε








It follows that A and hence A is totally bounded. This proves the more important direc-tion.

Next suppose A is compact. Why must A be pointwise compact and equicontinuous?If it fails to be pointwise compact, then there exists x ∈ X such that { f (x) : f ∈A } is notcontained in a compact set of Y . Thus there exists ε > 0 and a sequence of functions in A{ fn} such that d ( fn (x) , fm (x)) ≥ ε . But this implies ρ ( fm, fn) ≥ ε and so A fails to betotally bounded, a contradiction. Thus A must be pointwise compact. Now why must it beequicontinuous? If it is not, then for each n ∈ N there exists ε > 0 and xn,yn ∈ X such thatd (xn,yn) < 1/n but for some fn ∈ A , d ( fn (xn) , fn (yn)) ≥ ε. However, by compactness,there exists a subsequence


}such that limk→∞ ρ

(fnk , f

)= 0 and also that xnk ,ynk →

x ∈ X . Hence

ε ≤ d(



), fnk


))≤ d



), f(xnk



), f(ynk



), fnk


))≤ ρ

(fnk , f



), f(ynk


(f , fnk

)and now this is a contradiction because each term on the right converges to 0. The middleterm converges to 0 because f


), f(ynk

)→ f (x).

7.10 The Tietze Extension TheoremIt turns out that if H is a closed subset of a metric space, (X ,d) and if f : H → [a,b] iscontinuous, then there exists g defined on all of X such that g = f on H and g is continuous.This is called the Tietze extension theorem. First it is well to recall continuity in the contextof metric space.

7.10. THE TIETZE EXTENSION THEOREM 155By equicontinuity, there exists 6 > 0 such that if d (x,y) < 6, then d(f (x), f(y)) < §for all f € o&. Let {x;}/", be a 5/2 net for X. Since there are only finitely many x;, itfollows from pointwise compactness that there exists a subsequence, still denoted by {f,,}which converges at each x;. There exists x, such thatp (fas Sm) _ . < d (fn (Xmn) vSin (Xnm))< d(fn (Xnm) itn (xi)) +d (fn (xi) stm (x;)) +d (fin (xi) stn (Xnm))< 7 4d (fu (x3) fn (xi) + (7.9.9)where here x; is such that X,,, € B (x;,6). From the convergence of f;, at each x;, there existsN such that if m,n > N, then for all x;,d (fn (xi) 5 fm (xi) <oo|Now 7.9.9 results in the contradiction,€ € € €“~g<8 788It follows that .o/ and hence .</ is totally bounded. This proves the more important direc-tion.Next suppose / is compact. Why must .°/ be pointwise compact and equicontinuous?If it fails to be pointwise compact, then there exists x € X such that {f (x) : f € #} is notcontained in a compact set of Y. Thus there exists € > 0 and a sequence of functions in{ fn} such that d (fy (x), fin (x)) > €. But this implies p (fin, fr) > € and so &/ fails to betotally bounded, a contradiction. Thus < must be pointwise compact. Now why must it beequicontinuous? If it is not, then for each n € N there exists € > 0 and x,y, € X such thatd(Xn,Yn) < 1/n but for some fn € &, d (fn (%n), fn (n)) => €. However, by compactness,there exists a subsequence { try } such that lim;_,.. P ( Sys f ) = 0 and also that xn, ,¥n, 7x € X. Hence€ Sd (Sng (Xing) »fng (Ying) SA Sng (ng) +f ng)+d (f (Xn) -f (¥n,)) d (f (Yn) Sng (Yn.))+SP (Fins S) +4 (F (ng) Ff (ng) + (Fs Jnu)and now this is a contradiction because each term on the right converges to 0. The middleterm converges to 0 because f (Xn, ) Sf (yng) — f(x).7.10 The Tietze Extension TheoremIt turns out that if H is a closed subset of a metric space, (X,d) and if f : H — [a,b] iscontinuous, then there exists g defined on all of X such that g = f on H and g is continuous.This is called the Tietze extension theorem. First it is well to recall continuity in the contextof metric space.