and so forth. Therefore,

d ( f m (x0) , f n (x0))≤ d ( f (x0) ,x0)rm

1− r

which shows that this is indeed a Cauchy sequence. Therefore, there exists x such that


f n (x0) = x

By continuity,f (x) = f


f n (x0))= lim

n→∞f n+1 (x0) = x.

Also note that this estimate yields

d (x0, f n (x0))≤d (x0, f (x0))

1− r

Now d (x0,x)≤ d (x0, f n (x0))+d ( f n (x0) ,x) and so

d (x0,x)−d ( f n (x0) ,x)≤d (x0, f (x0))

1− r

Letting n→ ∞, it follows that

d (x0,x)≤d (x0, f (x0))

1− r

It only remains to verify that there is only one fixed point. Suppose then that x,x′ aretwo. Then

d(x,x′)= d

(f (x) , f

(x′))≤ rd


and so d (x,x′) = 0 because r < 1.The above is the usual formulation of this important theorem, but we actually proved a

better result.

Corollary 7.11.3 Let B be a closed subset of the complete metric space (X ,d) and letf : B→ X be a contraction map

d ( f (x) , f (x̂))≤ rd (x, x̂) , r < 1.

Also suppose there exists x0 ∈ B such that the sequence of iterates { f n (x0)}∞

n=1 remains inB. Then f has a unique fixed point in B which is the limit of the sequence of iterates. Thisis a point x ∈ B such that f (x) = x. In the case that B = B(x0,δ ), the sequence of iteratessatisfies the inequality

d ( f n (x0) ,x0)≤d (x0, f (x0))

1− rand so it will remain in B if

d (x0, f (x0))

1− r< δ .