Now let h ∈ C (A;R) and let x ∈ A. Use Lemma 9.2.6 to obtain fxy, a function of Awhich agrees with h at x and y. Letting ε > 0, there exists an open set U (y) containing ysuch that

fxy (z)> h(z)− ε if z ∈U(y).

Since A is compact, let U (y1) , · · · ,U (yl) cover A. Let

fx ≡max(

fxy1 , fxy2 , · · · , fxyl


Then fx ∈A andfx (z)> h(z)− ε

for all z ∈ A and fx (x) = h(x). This implies that for each x ∈ A there exists an open setV (x) containing x such that for z ∈V (x),

fx (z)< h(z)+ ε.

Let V (x1) , · · · ,V (xm) cover A and let

f ≡min( fx1 , · · · , fxm).

Therefore,f (z)< h(z)+ ε

for all z ∈ A and since fx (z)> h(z)− ε for all z ∈ A, it follows

f (z)> h(z)− ε

also and so| f (z)−h(z)|< ε

for all z. Since ε is arbitrary, this shows h ∈A and proves A =C (A;R). This proves thetheorem.

9.2.2 The Case Of Locally Compact SetsDefinition 9.2.7 Let (X ,τ) be a locally compact Hausdorff space. C0 (X) denotes the spaceof real or complex valued continuous functions defined on X with the property that if f ∈C0 (X) , then for each ε > 0 there exists a compact set K such that | f (x)|< ε for all x /∈ K.Define

|| f ||∞= sup{| f (x)| : x ∈ X}.

Lemma 9.2.8 For (X ,τ) a locally compact Hausdorff space with the above norm, C0 (X)is a complete space.

Proof: Let(

X̃ , τ̃)

be the one point compactification described in Lemma 7.12.20.


f ∈C(


: f (∞) = 0}.

9.2. STONE WEIERSTRASS THEOREM 201Now let h € C(A;R) and let x € A. Use Lemma 9.2.6 to obtain f,y, a function ofwhich agrees with h at x and y. Letting € > 0, there exists an open set U (y) containing ysuch thatfry (z) > h(z)-€ if ze U(y).Since A is compact, let U (y1),--- ,U (97) cover A. Lettk = max (fo »baeyos ute Sey)Then f, € & andfx (Zz) > A(z) -€for all z € A and f,(x) = h(x). This implies that for each x € A there exists an open setV (x) containing x such that for z € V (x),fe (z) <h(z) +e.Let V (x1),---,V (%m) cover A and letf= min (feps*? . fim):Therefore,f(z) <h(z)+€for all z € A and since f, (z) > h(z) —€ for all z € A, it followsf(z) >h(z)-€also and solf (z) —h(z)| <€for all z. Since € is arbitrary, this shows h € . and proves </ = C(A;R). This proves thetheorem.9.2.2 The Case Of Locally Compact SetsDefinition 9.2.7 Let (X,7) be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Co (X ) denotes the spaceof real or complex valued continuous functions defined on X with the property that if f €Co (X), then for each € > 0 there exists a compact set K such that |f (x)| < € for all x €¢ K.DefineII fll. = sup {| f(x)| sx © X}.Lemma 9.2.8 For (X,7) a locally compact Hausdorff space with the above norm, Co (X)is a complete space.Proof: Let (x 7) be the one point compactification described in Lemma 7.12.20.b={sec(x) : f() =o}.