occur on[xk1 ,xk2

]either pk1 or pk2 . The assumption of linear independence assures that

no other vertex of S can be in[xk1 ,xk2

]so there will be no inconsistency in the labeling.

Then obviously there will be an odd number of simplices in this triangulation having valuepk1 pk2 , that is a pk1 at one end and a pk2 at the other. Suppose that the labeling has beendone for all vertices of the triangulation which are on

[x j1 , . . .x jk+1


x j1 , . . .x jk+1

}⊆ {x0, . . .xn}

any k simplex for k≤ n−1, and there is an odd number of simplices from the triangulationhaving value equal to ∏

k+1i=1 p ji . Consider Ŝ ≡

[x j1 , . . .x jk+1 ,x jk+2

]. Then by induction,

there is an odd number of k simplices on the sth face[x j1 , . . . , x̂ js , · · · ,x jk+1

]having value ∏i̸=s p ji . In particular the face

[x j1 , . . . ,x jk+1 , x̂ jk+2

]has an odd number of

simplices with value ∏k+1i=1 p ji := P̂k. We want to argue that some simplex in the triangu-

lation which is contained in Ŝ has value P̂k+1 := ∏k+2i=1 p ji . Let Q be the number of k+ 1

simplices from the triangulation contained in Ŝ which have two faces with value P̂k (A k+1simplex has either 1 or 2 P̂k faces.) and let R be the number of k+ 1 simplices from thetriangulation contained in Ŝ which have exactly one P̂k face. These are the ones we wantbecause they have value P̂k+1. Thus the number of faces having value P̂k which is describedhere is 2Q+R. All interior P̂k faces being counted twice by this number. Now we count thetotal number of P̂k faces another way. There are P of them on the face

[x j1 , . . . ,x jk+1 , x̂ jk+2

]and by induction, P is odd. Then there are O of them which are not on this face. Thesefaces got counted twice. Therefore,

2Q+R = P+2O

and so, since P is odd, so is R. Thus there is an odd number of P̂k+1 simplices in Ŝ.We refer to this procedure of labeling as Sperner’s lemma. The system of labeling is

well defined thanks to the assumption that {xk−x0}nk=1 is independent which implies that

{xk−xi}k ̸=i is also linearly independent. Thus there can be no ambiguity in the labelingof vertices on any “face”, the convex hull of some of the original vertices of S. Sperner’slemma is now a consequence of this discussion.

10.1 The Brouwer Fixed Point TheoremS ≡ [x0, · · · ,xn] is a simplex in Rn. Assume {xi−x0}n

i=1 are linearly independent. Thus atypical point of S is of the form




where the ti are uniquely determined and the map x→ t is continuous from S to the com-pact set

{t ∈ Rn+1 : ∑ ti = 1, ti ≥ 0

}. The map t→ x is one to one and clearly continuous.

Since S is compact, it follows that the inverse map is also continuous. This is a general con-sideration but what follows is a short explanation why this is so in this specific example.

10.1. THE BROUWER FIXED POINT THEOREM 213occur on [Xx, Xi | either px, or px,. The assumption of linear independence assures thatno other vertex of S can be in [xXx, Xk so there will be no inconsistency in the labeling.Then obviously there will be an odd number of simplices in this triangulation having valuePk, Pky» that is a pg, at one end and a p,, at the other. Suppose that the labeling has beendone for all vertices of the triangulation which are on [x ioe Xj al ;{Xj,5---X jp, } C {xo,---Xn}any k simplex for k < n—1, and there is an odd number of simplices from the triangulationhaving value equal to mc p;;- Consider S = [x ieee Xap Mig ol: Then by induction,there is an odd number of k simplices on the s‘” faceXin Riso Xie]having value [Jj, pj;;- In particular the face [x;, pee Xj Rip ” has an odd number ofsimplices with value ean Dji= P,. We want to argue that some simplex in the triangu-lation which is contained in $ has value P.., := [M7 p;,. Let Q be the number of k+1simplices from the triangulation contained in $ which have two faces with value Bh, (A k+1simplex has either 1 or 2 #, faces.) and let R be the number of k+ 1 simplices from thetriangulation contained in § which have exactly one P, face. These are the ones we wantbecause they have value P,,.;. Thus the number of faces having value F, which is describedhere is 20+R. All interior 4, faces being counted twice by this number. Now we count thetotal number of P;, faces another way. There are P of them on the face [Xxj,,--.,Xj,, Xjp.]and by induction, P is odd. Then there are O of them which are not on this face. Thesefaces got counted twice. Therefore,20+R=P+20and so, since P is odd, so is R. Thus there is an odd number of Pex simplices in §.We refer to this procedure of labeling as Sperner’s lemma. The system of labeling iswell defined thanks to the assumption that {x;, — xo };_, is independent which implies that{xx — xi}, +; 18 also linearly independent. Thus there can be no ambiguity in the labelingof vertices on any “face”, the convex hull of some of the original vertices of S. Sperner’slemma is now a consequence of this discussion.10.1 The Brouwer Fixed Point TheoremS = [xo,-++ ,Xn] is a simplex in R”. Assume {x; — xo};_, are linearly independent. Thus atypical point of S is of the formy UX;i=0where the ¢; are uniquely determined and the map x — t is continuous from S to the com-pact set {t€ R"*! : Y4; =1,t; > 0}. The map t — x is one to one and clearly continuous.Since S is compact, it follows that the inverse map is also continuous. This is a general con-sideration but what follows is a short explanation why this is so in this specific example.