Thus, by continuity in the first entry,


ψ (x,ω) ≥ ψ ( f (ω) ,ω)≥ limn→∞

ψ (sn (ω) ,ω)

≥ supn


ψ (x,ω) = supx∈∪nCn

ψ (x,ω) = supx∈E

ψ (x,ω)

Theorem 11.1.11 Let E be a compact metric space and let (Ω,F ) be a measure space.Suppose ψ : E×Ω→R has the property that x→ψ (x,ω) is continuous and ω→ψ (x,ω)is measurable. Then there exists a measurable function, f having values in E such that

ψ ( f (ω) ,ω) = supx∈E

ψ (x,ω) .

Furthermore, ω → ψ ( f (ω) ,ω) is measurable.

Proof: Let C1 be a 2−1 net of E. Suppose C1, · · · ,Cm have been chosen such that Ck isa 2−k net and Ci+1 ⊇Ci for all i. Then consider E \∪



: x ∈Cm

}. If this set

is empty, let Cm+1 =Cm. If it is nonempty, let {yi}ri=1 be a 2−(m+1) net for this compact set.

Then let Cm+1 =Cm∪{yi}ri=1 . It follows {Cm}∞

m=1 satisfies Cm is a 2−m net and Cm ⊆Cm+1.



}m(1)k=1 equal C1. Let

A11 ≡

{ω : ψ


1,ω)= max


k ,ω)}

For ω ∈ A11, define s1 (ω)≡ x1

1. Next let

A12 ≡

{ω /∈ A1

1 : ψ(x1

2,ω)= max


k ,ω)}

and let s1 (ω)≡ x12 on A1

2. Continue in this way to obtain a simple function, s1 such that

ψ (s1 (ω) ,ω) = max{ψ (x,ω) : x ∈C1}

and s1 has values in C1.Suppose s1 (ω) ,s2 (ω) , · · · ,sm (ω) are simple functions with the property that if m > 1,

d (sk (ω) ,sk+1 (ω)) < 2−k,

ψ (sk (ω) ,ω) = max{ψ (x,ω) : x ∈Ck}sk has values in Ck

for each k+ 1 ≤ m, only the second and third assertions holding if m = 1. Letting Cm ={xk}N

k=1 , it follows sm (ω) is of the form

sm (ω) =N


xkXAk (ω) , Ai∩A j = /0. (11.1.6)

228 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONThus, by continuity in the first entry,sup y(x,@) > wW(f(@),@) > lim y(sn(@),@)X€E noo2 sup sup y(x,@) = sup W(x,@) = sup y(x,@)n x€Cy xXEUnCh xEETheorem 11.1.11 Let E be a compact metric space and let (Q,.F) be a measure space.Suppose w: E x Q— Rhas the property that x + W(x, @) is continuous and ® + W(x, @)is measurable. Then there exists a measurable function, f having values in E such thatYW (f(@),@) = sup y (x, @).x€EFurthermore, @ + W(f (@) ,@) is measurable.Proof: Let C, be a 27! net of E. Suppose C),--- ,Cm have been chosen such that C, isa2~* net and Cj,; D C; for all i. Then consider E \U {B (s. g-im)) Ix E Cn} . If this setis empty, let C41 =Cmn. If it is nonempty, let {y;}/_; be a 2~""*!) net for this compact set.Then let Cn+1 =CnU {yi };_, - It follows {C,,};,_, satisfies C,, isa2~” net and Cy, C G41.Let {xl} equal C). LetFor @ € Al, define s; (@) = x}. Next letA, = { ¢ Al: W(x3,) =maxy (x},0)}and let s; (@) =x on A}. Continue in this way to obtain a simple function, s; such thatW(s1(@),@) = max {w(x,@) :xECi}and s; has values in C).Suppose 51 (@) ,52(@) +++ ,Sm(@) are simple functions with the property that if m > 1,d (sx (@) Si41(@)) < 2%,W(se(@),@) = max{y(x,@):xECG}s; has values in C,for each k+ 1 < m, only the second and third assertions holding if m = 1. Letting C,, ={xx }p_1 5 it follows sp (@) is of the formNSm(@) = YP) xe 2A, (@), AVN A; =O. (11.1.6)k=1