
d ( f (ω) , fn (ω))< r+1m− r =


Thus the left side is contained in the right. Now let ω be in the right side. That isd ( fn (ω) , f (ω))< 1

m . Choose 2r < 1m−d ( fn (ω) , f (ω)) and pick xk ∈ B( fn (ω) ,r). Then

d ( f (ω) ,xk) ≤ d ( f (ω) , fn (ω))+d ( fn (ω) ,xk)

<1m−2r+ r =

1m− r

Thus ω ∈ f−1n (B(xk,r))∩ f−1


1m − r

))and so ω is in the left side. Thus the two sets

are equal. Now the set on the left in 11.3.19 is measurable because it is a countable unionof measurable sets. This proves the claim since[

ω : d ( fn (ω) , f (ω))≥ 1m

]is the complement of this measurable set.

Hence Ekm is measurable because

Ekm = ∪∞n=k+1

[ω : d ( fn (ω) , f (ω))≥ 1



For fixed m,∩∞k=1Ekm = /0 because fn (ω) converges to f (ω). Therefore, if ω ∈ Ω there

exists k such that if n > k, | fn (ω)− f (ω)|< 1m which means ω /∈ Ekm. Note also that

Ekm ⊇ E(k+1)m.

Since µ(E1m)< ∞, Theorem 11.1.5 on Page 224 implies

0 = µ(∩∞k=1Ekm) = lim


Let k(m) be chosen such that µ(Ek(m)m)< ε2−m and let

F =∞⋃



Then µ(F)< ε because

µ (F)≤∞





ε2−m = ε

Now let η > 0 be given and pick m0 such that m−10 < η . If ω ∈ FC, then

ω ∈∞⋂



244 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONTherefore,1 1d(f (@), fn(@)) <rto r= aThus the left side is contained in the right. Now let @ be in the right side. That isd(fn(@),f(@)) < - Choose 2r < 4d (fn (@), f(@)) and pick x, € B(f, (@),r). Thend(f(@),%%) < d(f(@),fn(@)) +4 (fn (@) xx)1 1< —-2?r+r=—-rm mThus @ € f, | (B(xx,r)) Of! (B (xx, 4 —1r)) and so @ is in the left side. Thus the two setsare equal. Now the set on the left in 11.3.19 is measurable because it is a countable unionof measurable sets. This proves the claim sinceSleJo: d(f,(0).f()) =is the complement of this measurable set.Hence Ej, is measurable becausein = Upnass {02 d(f(0) £0) >)For fixed m,2_;Eim = because fy, (@) converges to f(@). Therefore, if @ € Q thereexists k such that if n > k, |fn(@) — f (@)| < 4 which means @ ¢ Exm. Note also thatExm 2 E(K+1)m:Since [L(E\) < 0, Theorem 11.1.5 on Page 224 implies0 = W(Ne1 Em) = lim U(Exm).k—yo0Let k(m) be chosen such that U(Ex(m)m) < €2~™ and letF= LJ Ex(m)mm=1Then u(F) < € becauseSYM (Exinym) < ez" =em=1 m=1Now let 1 > 0 be given and pick mo such that mp "<7. If @ € FS, thenoe) Excn)mm=1