where ck ∈ C and µ (Ek)< ∞. For s a complex simple function as above, define

I (s)≡n


ckµ (Ek) .

Lemma 11.4.3 The definition, 11.4.2 is well defined. Furthermore, I is linear on the vectorspace of complex simple functions. Also the triangle inequality holds,

|I (s)| ≤ I (|s|) .

Proof: Suppose ∑nk=1 ckXEk (ω) = 0. Does it follow that ∑k ckµ (Ek) = 0? The suppo-

sition impliesn


ReckXEk (ω) = 0,n


ImckXEk (ω) = 0. (11.4.22)

Choose λ large and positive so that λ +Reck ≥ 0. Then adding ∑k λXEk to both sides ofthe first equation above,



(λ +Reck)XEk (ω) =n



and by Lemma 11.3.8 on Page 241, it follows upon taking∫

of both sides thatn


(λ +Reck)µ (Ek) =n


λ µ (Ek)

which implies ∑nk=1 Reckµ (Ek) = 0. Similarly, ∑

nk=1 Imckµ (Ek) = 0 so



ckµ (Ek) = 0

Thus if∑

jc jXE j = ∑


then ∑ j c jXE j +∑k (−dk)XFk = 0 and so the result just established verifies ∑ j c jµ (E j)−∑k dkµ (Fk) = 0 which proves I is well defined.

That I is linear is now obvious. It only remains to verify the triangle inequality.Let s be a simple function,

s = ∑j

c jXE j

Then pick θ ∈ C such that θ I (s) = |I (s)| and |θ | = 1. Then from the triangle inequalityfor sums of complex numbers,

|I (s)| = θ I (s) = I (θs) = ∑j

θc jµ (E j)


∣∣∣∣∣∑jθc jµ (E j)


∣∣θc j∣∣µ (E j) = I (|s|) .

This proves the lemma.With this lemma, the following is the definition of L1 (Ω) .

250 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONwhere cz € C and Ul (Ex) < 0. For s a complex simple function as above, definenI(s) =) cee (Ex).k=1Lemma 11.4.3 The definition, 11.4.2 is well defined. Furthermore, I is linear on the vectorspace of complex simple functions. Also the triangle inequality holds,Z(s)| <7 (|s}).Proof: Suppose Y7_ |, cx. Zz, (@) = 0. Does it follow that Yc, (E;) = 0? The suppo-sition impliesn nyi Rec, 2, (@) =0, VY Imex 2%z, (@) = 0. (11.4.22)k=l k=lChoose A large and positive so that A + Rec, > 0. Then adding )),A Zz, to both sides ofthe first equation above,Ms:(A +Recx) XE, (@) = y AXE,k=1iriand by Lemma 11.3.8 on Page 241, it follows upon taking { of both sides thatIMs:(A-+Recy) (Ex) = ¥ Am (Ex)k=1lI—which implies Y7_, Recg (Ex) = 0. Similarly, Y7_, Ime; (E;) = 0 soY? cyt (Ex) =0k=lThus ifVici 2; = Va 2,Jj kthen ) jc; 2%e;, + Lx (de) Zm, = 0 and so the result just established verifies Yj ju (Ej) —Yi dk Ut (Fi) = 0 which proves J is well defined.That J is linear is now obvious. It only remains to verify the triangle inequality.Let s be a simple function,s= Ye; LE;jThen pick @ € C such that 6/(s) = |J(s)| and |6| = 1. Then from the triangle inequalityfor sums of complex numbers,(3) = O1(s) =1(8s) = YAcy (B,)) Ocju (E;)| SY |@ci| M (Ej) =1((s)).J JThis proves the lemma.With this lemma, the following is the definition of L' (Q).