1. For each E ∈ F , there is an Fσ set F and a Gδ set G such that F ⊆ E ⊆ G andµ (G\F) = 0.

2. Also if f ≥ 0 is F measurable, then there exists g≤ f such that g is Borel measurableand g = f a.e. and h≥ f such that h is Borel measurable and h = f a.e.

3. If E ∈ F is a bounded set contained in a ball B(x0,r) = V , then there exists asequence of continuous functions in Cc (V ) {hn} having values in [0,1] and a setof measure zero N such that for x /∈ N,hn (x)→XE (x) . Also

∫|hn−XE |dµ → 0.

Letting Ñ be a Gδ set of measure zero containing N,hnXÑC →XF where F ⊆ E andµ (E \F) = 0.

4. If f ∈ L1 (X ,F ,µ) , there exists g ∈Cc (X) , such that∫

X | f −g|dµ < ε. There alsoexists a sequence of functions in Cc (X) {gn} which converges pointwise to f .

Proof: 1. Let Rn ≡ B(x0,n) ,R0 = /0. If E is Lebesgue measurable, let En ≡ E ∩(Rn \Rn−1) . Thus these En are disjoint and their union is E. By outer regularity, thereexists open Un ⊇ En such that µ (Un \En) < ε/2n. Now if U ≡ ∪nUn, it follows thatµ (U \E) ≤ ∑



2n = ε . Let Vn be open, containing E and µ (Vn \E) < 12n ,Vn ⊇ Vn+1.

Let G ≡ ∩nVn. This is a Gδ set containing E and µ (G\E) ≤ µ (Vn \E) < 12n and so

µ (G\E)= 0. By inner regularity, there is Fn an Fσ set contained in En with µ (En \Fn)= 0.Then let F ≡ ∪nFn. This is an Fσ set and µ (E \F)≤ ∑n µ (En \Fn) = 0. Thus F ⊆ E ⊆ Gand µ (G\F)≤ µ (G\E)+µ (E \F) = 0.

2. If f is measurable and nonnegative, there is an increasing sequence of simple func-tions sn such that limn→∞ sn (x) = f (x) . Say ∑

mnk=1 cn

kXEnk(x) . Let mp


k \Fnk

)= 0 where

Fnk is an Fσ set. Replace En

k with Fnk and let s̃n be the resulting simple function. Let

g(x) ≡ limn→∞ s̃n (x) . Then g is Borel measurable and g ≤ f and g = f except for a setof measure zero, the union of the sets where sn is not equal to s̃n. As to the other claim,let hn (x) ≡ ∑

∞k=1 XAkn (x)

k2n where Akn is a Gδ set containing f−1

(( k−1

2n , k2n ])

for whichµ(Akn \ f−1

(( k−1

2n , k2n ]))≡ µ (Dkn) = 0. If N = ∪k,n Dkn, then N is a set of measure zero.

On NC, hn (x)→ f (x) . Let h(x) = liminfn→∞ hn (x).3. Let Kn ⊆ E ⊆Vn with Kn compact and Vn open such that Vn ⊆ B(x0,r) and

µ (Vn \Kn)< 2−(n+1).

Then from Lemma 11.7.2, there exists hn with Kn ≺ hn ≺ Vn. Then∫|hn−XE |dµ < 2−n

and so


(|hn−XE |>




)n ∫[|hn−XE |>( 2

3 )n]|hn−XE |dµ




Letting An≡[|hn−XE |>

( 23

)n], the set of x which is in infinitely many An is N≡∩n∪k≥n

Ak and so

µ (∩n∪k≥n Ak)≤ µ (∪k≥nAk)≤∞






)n( 11/4


11.7. REGULAR MEASURES IN A METRIC SPACE 2631. For each E € F, there is an Fg set F and a Gg set G such that F C E C G andu(G\F) =0.2. Also if f >Ois ¥ measurable, then there exists g < f such that g is Borel measurableand g = f a.e. andh > f such that his Borel measurable andh= f ae.3. If E © # is a bounded set contained in a ball B(xo,r) =V, then there exists asequence of continuous functions in C.(V) {hn} having values in [0,1] and a setof measure zero N such that for x € N,hy (x) > 2z (x). Also f |hn -— 2e|dp — 0.Letting N be a Gg set of measure zero containing Nn 2c > Br where F C E andL(E\F)=0.4. If f EL! (X,F,w), there exists g € C.(X), such that fy |f —g|du < €. There alsoexists a sequence of functions in C.(X) {gn} which converges pointwise to f.Proof: 1. Let R, = B(xo,n),Ro = 9. If E is Lebesgue measurable, let EF, = EM(Rn \Rn—1). Thus these E, are disjoint and their union is E. By outer regularity, thereexists open U, > E, such that u(U,\ En) < €/2". Now if U = U,U,, it follows thatU(U\E) < ye_, & =e. Let V, be open, containing E and pt (Vn \E) < 37,Vn 2 Vn4i-Let G=MnVn. This is a Gs set containing E and w(G\E) < U(Vn\E) < 3% and sou(G\ £)=0. By inner regularity, there is F;, an Fg set contained in E, with u (E, \ F,) =0.Then let F =U,Fy. This is an Fo set and w(E\F)<¥,M (En \ Fr) =0. Thus F CE CGand UW (G\F) < uw (G\E)+M(E\F) =0.2. If f is measurable and nonnegative, there is an increasing sequence of simple func-tions sy such that limy—205n (x) = f (x). Say Dp" ef Zen (x). Let mp (Ef \ Fj’) = 0 whereF{ is an Fo set. Replace E/ with F,’ and let 5, be the resulting simple function. Letg(x) = lim, 5, (x). Then g is Borel measurable and g < f and g = f except for a setof measure zero, the union of the sets where s,, is not equal to §,. As to the other claim,let hy (x) = LP) ZA, (x) & where Ajn is a Gg set containing f—' ((4*, 4]) for whichL(A \f~! (4G. H])) =H (Din) = 0. If N = Ucn Din, then N is a set of measure zero.On NG, hy (x) > f (x). Let h(x) = liming, 520 hn (x).3. Let K, C E CV, with K, compact and V, open such that V, C B(xo,r) andUL (Va \ Kn) < 209),Then from Lemma 11.7.2, there exists hy, with K, ~< hy, ~V,. Then f |hy— 2e\|dp <2"and so" (We ° ()) * (3) acon ela - ()Letting A, = in — 2p\> 3)" , the set of x which is in infinitely many Ay is N =n UgsnA, and so2 /3\F 3\"/ 1u (An Uk>n Ak) < u (UpsnAx) < py 4 = 4 1/4