9. Let { fn} be a sequence of real or complex valued measurable functions. Let

S = {ω : { fn(ω)} converges}.

Show S is measurable. Hint: You might try to exhibit the set where fn convergesin terms of countable unions and intersections using the definition of a Cauchy se-quence.

10. Let (Ω,S ,µ) be a measure space and let f be a nonnegative measurable functiondefined on Ω. Also let φ : [0,∞)→ [0,∞) be strictly increasing and have a continuousderivative and φ (0) = 0. Suppose f is bounded and that 0≤ φ ( f (ω))≤M for somenumber, M. Show that ∫

φ ( f )dµ =∫

0φ′ (s)µ ([s < f ])ds,

where the integral on the right is the ordinary improper Riemann integral. Hint:First note that s→ φ

′ (s)µ ([s < f ]) is Riemann integrable because φ′ is continuous

and s→ µ ([s < f ]) is a nonincreasing function, hence Riemann integrable. From thesecond description of the Lebesgue integral and the assumption that φ ( f (ω))≤M,argue that for [M/h] the greatest integer less than M/h,


φ ( f )dµ = suph>0



hµ ([ih < φ ( f )])

= suph>0




φ−1 (ih)< f

])= sup






φ−1 (ih)< f

])where ∆i =

(φ−1 (ih)−φ

−1 ((i−1)h)). Now use the mean value theorem to write

∆i =(φ−1)′ (ti)h


φ′ (

φ−1 (ti)


for some ti between (i−1)h and ih. Therefore, the right side is of the form




φ′ (

φ−1 (ti)


([φ−1 (ih)< f

])where φ

−1 (ti) ∈(φ−1 ((i−1)h) ,φ−1 (ih)

). Argue that if ti were replaced with ih,

this would be a Riemann sum for the Riemann integral∫φ−1(M)

0φ′ (t)µ ([t < f ])dt =


0φ′ (t)µ ([t < f ])dt.

2669.10.CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONLet {f;,} be a sequence of real or complex valued measurable functions. LetS={q@: {f,(@)} converges}.Show S is measurable. Hint: You might try to exhibit the set where f,, convergesin terms of countable unions and intersections using the definition of a Cauchy se-quence.Let (Q,.%,) be a measure space and let f be a nonnegative measurable functiondefined on Q. Also let @ : [0,00) — [0,°¢) be strictly increasing and have a continuousderivative and ¢ (0) = 0. Suppose f is bounded and that 0 < @(f(@)) < M for somenumber, M. Show that[oau= [6 ymlls< fas.where the integral on the right is the ordinary improper Riemann integral. Hint:First note that s + @’ (s) ([s < f]) is Riemann integrable because @’ is continuousand s > ut ([s < f]) is a nonincreasing function, hence Riemann integrable. From thesecond description of the Lebesgue integral and the assumption that ¢ (f(@)) <M,argue that for [M/h] the greatest integer less than M/h,[M/h][onan = sup Yo hu (ih < o(f)))h>0 j=1[M/h]= sup ) hu({@' (ih) < f])h>0 j=1[M/E pa.= sup Y %u ((o-! ih) < A)h>0 j=]where A; = ($7! (ih) —~' ((i— 1) h)). Now use the mean value theorem to writeAi = (o°') (ia1= ———_h' (@-' (t))for some t; between (i— 1) h and ih. Therefore, the right side is of the formMir] ; ;sup )’ 9’ (¢* (u)) Ait ([9! (ih) < F])h j=lwhere 9! (t;) € (@-'((i—1)h),@' (ih)). Argue that if 4; were replaced with ih,this would be a Riemann sum for the Riemann integral¢-'(M) =[ e@ule<sar= fo ule < fla.0 0