Definition A.1.1 Let X be a vector space. A Hamel basis is a subset of X ,Λ such that everyvector of X can be written as a finite linear combination of vectors of Λ and the vectors ofΛ are linearly independent in the sense that if {x1, · · · ,xn} ⊆ Λ and



ckxk = 0

then each ck = 0.

The main result is the following theorem.

Theorem A.1.2 Let X be a nonzero vector space. Then it has a Hamel basis.

Proof: Let x1 ∈ X and x1 ̸= 0. Let F denote the collection of subsets of X , Λ containingx1 with the property that the vectors of Λ are linearly independent as described in DefinitionA.1.1 partially ordered by set inclusion. By the Hausdorff maximal theorem, there exists amaximal chain, C Let Λ = ∪C . Since C is a chain, it follows that if {x1, · · · ,xn} ⊆ C thenthere exists a single Λ′ ∈ C containing all these vectors. Therefore, if



ckxk = 0

it follows each ck = 0. Thus the vectors of Λ are linearly independent. Is every vector of Xa finite linear combination of vectors of Λ?

Suppose not. Then there exists z which is not equal to a finite linear combination ofvectors of Λ. Consider Λ∪{z} . If



ckxk = 0

where the xk are vectors of Λ, then if c ̸= 0 this contradicts the condition that z is not a finitelinear combination of vectors of Λ. Therefore, c = 0 and now all the ck must equal zerobecause it was just shown Λ is linearly independent. It follows C∪{Λ∪{z}} is a strictlylarger chain than C and this is a contradiction. Therefore, Λ is a Hamel basis as claimed.This proves the theorem.

A.2 Exercises1. Zorn’s lemma states that in a nonempty partially ordered set, if every chain has an

upper bound, there exists a maximal element, x in the partially ordered set. x ismaximal, means that if x ≺ y, it follows y = x. Show Zorn’s lemma is equivalent tothe Hausdorff maximal theorem.

2. Show that if Y, Y1 are two Hamel bases of X , then there exists a one to one and ontomap from Y to Y1. Thus any two Hamel bases are of the same size.

3. ↑ Using the Baire category theorem of the chapter on Banach spaces show that anyHamel basis of a Banach space is either finite or uncountable.