(If x ∈Vi, this follows from 12.3.14. If x /∈Vi both sides equal 0.) Therefore,

L f = L(n


f hi)≤ L(n


hi(ti + ε))



(ti + ε)L(hi)



(|t0|+ ti + ε)L(hi)−|t0|L





Now note that |t0|+ ti +ε ≥ 0 and so from the definition of µ and Lemma 12.3.5, this is nolarger than



(|t0|+ ti + ε)µ(Vi)−|t0|µ(spt( f ))



(|t0|+ ti + ε)(µ(Ei)+ ε/n)−|t0|µ(spt( f ))

≤ |t0|

µ(spt( f ))︷ ︸︸ ︷n


µ(Ei)+ |t0|ε +n


tiµ(Ei)+ ε(|t0|+ |b|)




n+ ε



µ(Ei)+ ε2−|t0|µ(spt( f )).

From 12.3.13 and 12.3.12, the first and last terms cancel. Therefore this is no larger than

(2|t0|+ |b|+µ(spt( f ))+ ε)ε



ti−1µ(Ei)+ εµ(spt( f ))+n


(|t0|+ |b|)ε



f dµ +(2|t0|+ |b|+2µ(spt( f ))+ ε)ε +(|t0|+ |b|)ε

Since ε > 0 is arbitrary,

L f ≤∫

f dµ (12.3.15)

for all f ∈ Cc(Ω), f real. Hence equality holds in 12.3.15 because L(− f ) ≤ −∫

f dµ soL( f )≥

∫f dµ . Thus L f =

∫f dµ for all f ∈Cc(Ω). Just apply the result for real functions

to the real and imaginary parts of f . This proves the Lemma.This gives the existence part of the Riesz representation theorem.It only remains to prove uniqueness. Suppose both µ1 and µ2 are measures on S

satisfying the conclusions of the theorem. Then if K is compact and V ⊇ K, let K ≺ f ≺V .Then


f dµ1 = L f =∫

f dµ2 ≤ µ2(V ).

292 CHAPTER 12. THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEASURES(If x € V;, this follows from 12.3.14. If x ¢ V; both sides equal 0.) Therefore,Lf = uy fh < LD i i(ti + €))TM+apa=IM=Eat+wT=laonTMs>—Now note that |fo| +1; + € > 0 and so from the definition of and Lemma 12.3.5, this is nolarger thanMs:(|to| +t; + €)M(Vi) — |to|ée(spt(f))1on(|to| +4; + €) (M(Ei) + €/n) — |tole(spt(f))i=u(spt(f))—_—_—< hol Dale )+|tole + Yo ngle ) + €(|to| + ||)i=1nne +e) w(Ei) +e? — lolse(spt(f)).i=l i=lMsFrom 12.3.13 and 12.3.12, the first and last terms cancel. Therefore this is no larger than(2h + |b| + u(spt(f)) +€)€Le iM(Ei) + eu (spt(f)) +, (lto| + |ol) =1n< f fay + (2lr| + || +2u(spt(f)) + £)€ + (lol + beSince € > 0 is arbitrary,Lf < | faw (12.3.15)for all f € C.(Q), f real. Hence equality holds in 12.3.15 because L(—f) < — f fd soL(f) > f fdu. Thus Lf = f fdp for all f € C.(Q). Just apply the result for real functionsto the real and imaginary parts of f. This proves the Lemma.This gives the existence part of the Riesz representation theorem.It only remains to prove uniqueness. Suppose both 1, and fl, are measures on .7satisfying the conclusions of the theorem. Then if K is compact and V > K, let K < f <V.ThenK)< | fau,=L¢= | fay <u,{V).