=∫[Mn f>0]

f (ω)dµ +∫

Mn f (ω)dµ

by Lemma 12.8.2. It follows that ∫[Mn f>0]

f (ω)dµ ≥ 0

for each n. Also, since Mn f (ω)→M∞ f (ω) , the following pointwise convergence holds.

X[Mn f>0] (ω) f (ω)→X[M∞ f>0] (ω) f (ω)

Since f is in L1, the dominated convergence theorem implies∫[M∞ f>0]

f (ω)dµ = limn→∞

∫[Mn f>0]

f (ω)dµ ≥ 0.

Theorem 12.8.5 Let (Ω,F ,µ) be a probability space and let T : Ω→ Ω satisfy 12.8.18and 12.8.19, T−1 is measure preserving and T−1 maps F to F and T is one to one. Thenif f ∈ L1 (Ω) having real or complex values and

Sn f (ω)≡n



T k−1ω

), S0 f (ω)≡ 0, (12.8.23)

it follows there exists a set of measure zero N, and an invariant function g such that for allω /∈ N,



Sn f (ω) = g(ω) . (12.8.24)

and alsolimn→∞


Sn f = g in L1 (Ω)

Proof: To begin with, we assume f has real values. Now if A is an invariant set,XA (T mω) = XA (ω) and so

Sn (XA f )(ω)≡n



T k−1ω


(T k−1






T k−1ω

)XA (ω)

= XA (ω)n



T k−1ω

)= XA (ω)Sn f (ω) .

Therefore, for such an invariant set,

Mn (XA f )(ω) = XA (ω)Mn f (ω) , M∞ (XA f )(ω) = XA (ω)M∞ f (ω) . (12.8.25)

Let −∞ < a < b < ∞ and define

Nab ≡[−∞ < lim inf



Sn f (ω)< a < b < lim supn→∞


Sn f (ω)< ∞


12.8. THE ERGODIC THEOREM 303= f(o)du+ [ Mnf (@)d[Mnf >0]by Lemma 12.8.2. It follows thatJ. fodu>o[Mnf >0]for each n. Also, since M,,f (@) > M..f (@), the following pointwise convergence holds.Zim, f>0) (@) f(@) + 2im..pso] (@) f(@)Since f is in L', the dominated convergence theorem impliesJ, fl@)an = tim flo)du>0. 0[M..f >0] ne JIM, f >0]Theorem 12.8.5 Let (Q,F,p) bea probability space and let T: QQ satisfy 12.8.18and 12.8.19, T~! is measure preserving and T~! maps ¥ to ¥ and T is one to one. Thenif f € L' (Q) having real or complex values andsays (7 o), Sof (@) =0, (12.8.23)it follows there exists a set of measure zero N, and an invariant function g such that for allo¢N,lim -S, f (@) = g(@). (12.8.24)noo nNand also 'lim —S,f = g in L'(Q)no nNProof: To begin with, we assume f has real values. Now if A is an invariant set,X(T") = 24 (@) and soSn (Zaf)(@) = y F(r'0) Xs (7*'o) = f(T‘) 2%, (0)k=1i ee ==_ oye f(T!) = 24 (0) S,f (0).Therefore, for such an invariant set,Mn (2af)(@) = 2a (@)Mnf (@), Meo (Zaf)(@) = Za (@)Moof(@). (128.25)Let —% <a<b< and define1 1Nab = | —20 < lim inf —S,,f (@) <a <b <lim sup —S,.f (@) <e (12.8.26)n—-oon—0o