Then by Lemma 12.9.4, 12.9.36, and the observation that ∪∞i=1Ri ∈R,

(µ×ν)(∪∞i=1Si) ≤ (µ×ν)(∪∞


= ρ (∪∞i=1Ri)≤


ρ (Ri)










)+ ε.

Since ε is arbitrary, this proves the lemma.By Caratheodory’s procedure, it follows there is a σ algebra of subsets of X ×Y, de-

noted here by S ×T such that (µ×ν) is a complete measure on this σ algebra. The firstthing to note is that every rectangle is in this σ algebra.

Lemma 12.9.8 Every rectangle is (µ×ν) measurable.

Proof: Let S⊆ X×Y. The following inequality must be established.

(µ×ν)(S)≥ (µ×ν)(S∩ (A×B))+(µ×ν)(S\ (A×B)) . (12.9.39)

The following claim will be used to establish this inequality.Claim: Let P,A×B ∈R. Then

ρ (P∩ (A×B))+ρ (P\ (A×B)) = ρ (P) .

Proof of the claim: From Lemma 12.9.3, P=∪∞i=1A′i×B′i where the A′i×B′i are disjoint.


P∩ (A×B) =∞⋃





P\ (A×B) =∞⋃


(A′i \A




)×(B′i \B


Since all of the sets in the above unions are disjoint,

ρ (P∩ (A×B))+ρ (P\ (A×B)) =

∫ ∫ ∞



(y)dµdν +∫ ∫ ∞




+∫ ∫ ∞


XA∩A′i(x)XB′i\B (y)dµdν

12.9. PRODUCT MEASURES 311Then by Lemma 12.9.4, 12.9.36, and the observation that Uj", Ri € &,(HXV)(UZ)Si) < (Ux) (ULF:p (Uj=1Ri) < Ye (Ri)i=1(XV) (Si) +5)IAMs1Ia ™ IlImms) +€.Since € is arbitrary, this proves the lemma.By Caratheodory’s procedure, it follows there is a o algebra of subsets of X x Y, de-noted here by .Y x Y such that (lu x Vv) is a complete measure on this o algebra. The firstthing to note is that every rectangle is in this o algebra.Lemma 12.9.8 Every rectangle is (UX V) measurable.Proof: Let S C X x Y. The following inequality must be established.(ux v)(S) > (ux v)(SA(A x B)) + (ux Vv) (S\ (A x B)). (12.9.39)The following claim will be used to establish this inequality.Claim: Let P,A x Be &. Thenp (P(A B)) +p (P\ (Ax B)) =p(P).Proof of the claim: From Lemma 12.9.3, P = U2, A‘ x B; where the Aj x Bi are disjoint.Therefore,lonN(A x B) = LJ (ANA}) x (BN Bi)i=1while\ (A x B) ~ Ul (Ai \ A) x By LU (ANA!) x (Bj \ B).i=l i=1Since all of the sets in the above unions are disjoint,p (Pr (Ax B)) +p (P\ (A xB)) =[LE % cay )Fonw o)duavs [ [YE Hana) 0% O)audv+ | [YL Piva (0) Zope) auavi=l