Denote by Ai j the (n−1)× (n−1) matrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth

column of A. Thus cof(A)i j ≡ (−1)i+ j det(Ai j). At this point, recall that from Proposition

5.4.3, when two rows or two columns in a matrix M, are switched, this results in multiplyingthe determinant of the old matrix by−1 to get the determinant of the new matrix. Therefore,by Lemma 5.4.11,

det(B j) = (−1)n− j (−1)n−i det((

Ai j ∗0 ai j

))= (−1)i+ j det

((Ai j ∗0 ai j

))= ai j cof(A)i j .


det(A) =n


ai j cof(A)i j

which is the formula for expanding det(A) along the ith row. Also,

det(A) = det(AT )= n


aTi j cof

(AT )

i j



a ji cof(A) ji

which is the formula for expanding det(A) along the ith column.

5.4.8 Formula For The InverseNote that this gives an easy way to write a formula for the inverse of an n×n matrix.

Theorem 5.4.14 A−1 exists if and only if det(A) ̸= 0. If det(A) ̸= 0, then A−1 =(

a−1i j


a−1i j = det(A)−1 cof(A) ji

for cof(A)i j the i jth cofactor of A.

Proof: By Theorem 5.4.13 and letting (air) = A, if det(A) ̸= 0,n


air cof(A)ir det(A)−1 = det(A)det(A)−1 = 1.

Now considern


air cof(A)ik det(A)−1

when k ̸= r. Replace the kth column with the rth column to obtain a matrix Bk whosedeterminant equals zero by Corollary 5.4.6. However, expanding this matrix along the kth

column yields

0 = det(Bk)det(A)−1 =n


air cof(A)ik det(A)−1

5.4. THE DETERMINANT 75Denote by A’! the (n—1) x (n—1) matrix obtained by deleting the i” row and the j’column of A. Thus cof (A);; = (—1)'*/ det (A) . At this point, recall that from Proposition5.4.3, when two rows or two columns in a matrix M, are switched, this results in multiplyingthe determinant of the old matrix by —1 to get the determinant of the new matrix. Therefore,by Lemma 5.4.11,aet(B)) = (yaaa (( 4 ))= (-1)"aee( ( A ai )) = ajjcof (A);;-det (A -¥ ajj cof (ATherefore,which is the formula for expanding det (A) along the i” row. Also,det(A) = det(A’) = = J al cof( (4");;j=ln= y? aji cof (A)j=lwhich is the formula for expanding det(A) along the /” column. J5.4.8 Formula For The InverseNote that this gives an easy way to write a formula for the inverse of an n x n matrix.Theorem 5.4.14 A~! exists if and only if det(A) 40. If det(A) 4 0, then A~! = (4;;')where~ | — det(A)~! cof (A)for cof (A);; the ij" cofactor of A.jiProof: By Theorem 5.4.13 and letting (aj) =A, if det(A) 4 0,nYair cof (A);,det(A) = det(A) det(A)~! = 1.Now considerYavcot(A ),det(A)when k # r. Replace the k” column with the 7” column to obtain a matrix By whosedeterminant equals zero by Corollary 5.4.6. However, expanding this matrix along the k’”column yields0 = det (B;,) det (A = Yaycot(a ),qdet (A)!