Note that each entry in C (λ ) is a polynomial in λ having degree no more than n− 1. Forexample, you might have something like

C (λ ) =

 λ2−6λ +9 3−λ 02λ −6 λ

2−3λ 0λ −1 λ −1 λ

2−3λ +2



 9 3 0−6 0 0−1 −1 2


 −6 −1 02 −3 01 1 −3


 1 0 00 1 00 0 1

Therefore, collecting the terms in the general case,

C (λ ) =C0 +C1λ + · · ·+Cn−1λn−1

for C j some n×n matrix. Then

C (λ )(λ I−A) =(

C0 +C1λ + · · ·+Cn−1λn−1)(λ I−A) = q(λ ) I

Then multiplying out the middle term, it follows that for all |λ | sufficiently large,

a0I +a1Iλ + · · ·+ Iλn =C0λ +C1λ

2 + · · ·+Cn−1λn

−[C0A+C1Aλ + · · ·+Cn−1Aλ


=−C0A+(C0−C1A)λ +(C1−C2A)λ2 + · · ·+(Cn−2−Cn−1A)λ

n−1 +Cn−1λn

Then, using Corollary 5.5.3, one can replace λ on both sides with A. Then the right side isseen to equal 0. Hence the left side, q(A) I is also equal to 0.

5.5.1 An Identity of Cauchy

Theorem 5.5.5 Both the left and the right sides in the following yield the same polynomialin the variables ai,bi for i≤ n.

∏i, j

(ai +b j)


a1+b1· · · 1



an+b1· · · 1


∣∣∣∣∣∣∣= ∏j<i

(ai−a j)(bi−b j) . (5.5.16)

Proof: The theorem is true if n = 2. This follows from some computations. Suppose it

5.5. THE CAYLEY HAMILTON THEOREM* 79Note that each entry in C(A) is a polynomial in A having degree no more than n— 1. Forexample, you might have something likeA--6A+9 3-A 0C(A)= 24-6 = A? 3A 0A-1 A-1 A?—30429 3 0 6 -1 0 10 0=| 6 0 0]4+al 2 -3 0 |4+a?{ 01 0-l1 -1 2 1 1 -3 001Therefore, collecting the terms in the general case,C(A) =Co+ Cate +C,14"!for Cj some n Xn matrix. ThenC(A)(AI—A) = (CoH CA++ +612") (AI—A) =q(A)IThen multiplying out the middle term, it follows that for all |A| sufficiently large,aol Haya Hess +IA" =CoA + CA? +e + Cy A"—|CoAECIAA +++: +C,-1AA" |= —CoA + (Cy—CiA)A + (Cy — CoA) A? He + (Cp-2 — Cy tA) A" | + CA"Then, using Corollary 5.5.3, one can replace A on both sides with A. Then the right side isseen to equal 0. Hence the left side, g(A)/ is also equal to0.5.5.1 An Identity of CauchyTheorem 5.5.5 Both the left and the right sides in the following yield the same polynomialin the variables a;,b; for i <n.1 1[](@+2,) : ; =[](a-aj) (bi—-b;). (5.5.16)ij 1 . 1 j<ian+b; ant+bnProof: The theorem is true if n = 2. This follows from some computations. Suppose it