Theorem 5.6.2 Let B be a q× p block matrix as in 5.6.19 and let A be a p×n block matrixas in 5.6.20 such that Bis is conformable with As j and each product, BisAs j for s = 1, · · · , pis of the same size so they can be added. Then BA can be obtained as a block matrix suchthat the i jth block is of the form


BisAs j. (5.6.21)

Proof: From 5.6.18

BisAs j =(

0 Iri×ri 0)


 0Ips×ps


( 0 Ips×ps 0)


 0Iq j×q j


where here it is assumed Bis is ri× ps and As j is ps×q j. The product involves the sth blockin the ith row of blocks for B and the sth block in the jth column of A. Thus there are thesame number of rows above the Ips×ps as there are columns to the left of Ips×ps in those twoinside matrices. Then from Lemma 5.6.1 0



( 0 Ips×ps 0)=

 0 0 00 Ips×ps 00 0 0

Since the blocks of small identity matrices do not overlap,


 0 0 00 Ips×ps 00 0 0


 Ip1×p1 0. . .

0 Ipp×pp

= I

and so∑s

BisAs j =


(0 Iri×ri 0


 0Ips×ps


( 0 Ips×ps 0)


 0Iq j×q j



0 Iri×ri 0)


 0Iq j×q j



0 Iri×ri 0)


 0Iq j×q j


Hence the i jth block of BA equals the formal multiplication according to matrix multipli-cation,


BisAs j.

This proves the theorem.

Example 5.6.3 Let an n×n matrix have the form

A =

(a bc P


5.6. BLOCK MULTIPLICATION OF MATRICES 83Theorem 5.6.2 Let B be aq x p block matrix as in 5.6.19 and let A be a p x n block matrixas in 5.6.20 such that Bjs is conformable with As; and each product, BisAs; for s =1,+++ ,pis of the same size so they can be added. Then BA can be obtained as a block matrix suchthat the ij'" block is of the formYBisAsj- (5.6.21)AYProof: From 5.6.180 0BisAsj = ( 0 Tr xrj 0 )B Ips xps ( 0 Tos x ps 0 )A lajxqj0 0where here it is assumed Bj, is rj x ps and As; is ps X gj. The product involves the s” blockin the 7” row of blocks for B and the s‘” block in the j” column of A. Thus there are thesame number of rows above the Ip, xp, aS there are columns to the left of J,,.p, in those twoinside matrices. Then from Lemma 5.6.10 0 0 0Ips ps ( 0 Ips ps 0 ) = 0 Ips ps 00 0 0 0Since the blocks of small identity matrices do not overlap,0 0 0 Ip, xpi 00 Tp, x ps 0 = me =I>\o 0 0 0 Iny ppand so\BisAsj =Ss0 0Yi (0 Lx; 0 )B foe, (0 Inxp, 0 JAY Lgjxq;0Ss0 0=(0 Iyxr, 0 )BIA{ Iyjxq; | =( 0 Tix, 0 )BA{ Iy;xq;0 0Hence the ij” block of BA equals the formal multiplication according to matrix multipli-cation,YBisAsj-SsThis proves the theorem.Example 5.6.3 Let ann x n matrix have the form(o>)