Proof: Let v1 be a unit eigenvector for A . Then there exists λ 1 such that

Av1 = λ 1v1, |v1|= 1.

Extend {v1} to a basis and then use Lemma 5.8.1 to obtain {v1, · · · ,vn}, an orthonormalbasis in Fn. Let U0 be a matrix whose ith column is vi. Then from the above, it follows U0is unitary. Then U∗0 AU0 is of the form

λ 1 ∗ · · · ∗0... A10

where A1 is an n− 1× n− 1 matrix. Repeat the process for the matrix, A1 above. Thereexists a unitary matrix Ũ1 such that Ũ∗1 A1 Ũ1 is of the form

λ 2 ∗ · · · ∗0... A20

 .

Now let U1 be the n×n matrix of the form(1 00 Ũ1


This is also a unitary matrix because by block multiplication,(1 00 Ũ1

)∗( 1 00 Ũ1


(1 00 Ũ∗1

)(1 00 Ũ1


(1 00 Ũ∗1 Ũ1


(1 00 I

)Then using block multiplication, U∗1 U∗0 AU0U1 is of the form

λ 1 ∗ ∗ · · · ∗0 λ 2 ∗ · · · ∗0 0...

... A20 0

where A2 is an n−2×n−2 matrix. Continuing in this way, there exists a unitary matrix,U given as the product of the Ui in the above construction such that

U∗AU = T

where T is some upper triangular matrix. Since the matrix is upper triangular, the charac-teristic equation is ∏

ni=1 (λ −λ i) where the λ i are the diagonal entries of T. Therefore, the

λ i are the eigenvalues.What if A is a real matrix and you only want to consider real unitary matrices?

88 CHAPTER 5. SOME IMPORTANT LINEAR ALGEBRAProof: Let v; be a unit eigenvector for A . Then there exists A; such thatAv =A, lv1| =1.Extend {v;} to a basis and then use Lemma 5.8.1 to obtain {v1,--- ,v,}, an orthonormalbasis in F”. Let Up be a matrix whose i” column is v;. Then from the above, it follows Upis unitary. Then Uj AUp is of the form: Aj0where A, is ann —1 x n—1 matrix. Repeat the process for the matrix, A; above. Thereexists a unitary matrix U; such that U;A; Uj is of the formAy eos0: A20Now let U; be the n x n matrix of the form1 00 U /°This is also a unitary matrix because by block multiplication,10 \'/1 0 — (1:0 1 00 U; 0 U; 7 0 U; 0 Uy_ 1 0 _f{1 07 0 UU) \oTThen using block multiplication, UfUgAUoU is of the formA, * * *O Ay * + x0 O: : A20 Owhere A» is ann —2 x n—2 matrix. Continuing in this way, there exists a unitary matrix,U given as the product of the U; in the above construction such thatU*AU =Twhere T is some upper triangular matrix. Since the matrix is upper triangular, the charac-teristic equation is []_; (A — A;) where the A; are the diagonal entries of T. Therefore, theA; are the eigenvalues.What if A is a real matrix and you only want to consider real unitary matrices?