Note that if r = 0 then B(x,r) = /0, the empty set. This is because if y ∈ Fn, |x−y| ≥ 0 andso y /∈ B(x,0) . Since /0 has no points in it, it must be open because every point in it, (Thereare none.) satisfies the desired property of being an interior point.

Now suppose y /∈ D(x,r) . Then |x−y|> r and defining δ ≡ |x−y|− r, it follows thatif z ∈ B(y,δ ) , then by the triangle inequality,

|x− z| ≥ |x−y|− |y− z|> |x−y|−δ

= |x−y|− (|x−y|− r) = r

and this shows that B(y,δ )⊆ Fn \D(x,r) . Since y was an arbitrary point in Fn \D(x,r) , itfollows Fn \D(x,r) is an open set which shows from the definition that D(x,r) is a closedset as claimed.

A picture which is descriptive of the conclusion of the above theorem which also im-plies the manner of proof is the following.







6.3 Continuous FunctionsWith the above definition of the norm in Fp, it becomes possible to define continuity.

Definition 6.3.1 A function f : D(f)⊆ Fp→ Fq is continuous at x ∈D(f) if for each ε > 0there exists δ > 0 such that whenever y ∈ D(f) and

|y−x|< δ

it follows that|f(x)− f(y)|< ε.

f is continuous if it is continuous at every point of D(f) .

Note the total similarity to the scalar valued case.

6.3.1 Sufficient Conditions For ContinuityThe next theorem is a fundamental result which will allow us to worry less about the ε δ

definition of continuity.

Theorem 6.3.2 The following assertions are valid.

1. The function, af+bg is continuous at x whenever f, g are continuous at x ∈ D(f)∩D(g) and a,b ∈ F.