Then since ∥x−a∥ ≤ r+ rx,∥x−y∥ ≥ ry,∥y−a∥ ≥ ry, and remembering that ry ≥ rx ≥αr,

≥ rrx + r

(ry− (r+ rx)+ ry)≥r

rx + r(ry− (r+ ry)+ ry)

≥ rrx + r

(ry− r)≥ rrx + r

(rx− r)≥ rrx +






(1−1/α) =α−1α +1


Replacing r with something larger, 1α

rx is justified by the observation that x→ α−xα+x is

decreasing. This proves the estimate between Px and Py .Finally, in the case of the balls Bi having centers at xi, then as above, let Pxi = a+

r xi−a∥xi−a∥ . Then (Pxi −a)r−1 is on the unit sphere having center 0. Furthermore,

∥∥(Pxi −a)r−1−(Pyi −a

)r−1∥∥= r−1∥∥Pxi −Pyi

∥∥≥ r−1rα−1α +1

=α−1α +1


How many points on the unit sphere can be pairwise this far apart? The unit sphere iscompact and so there exists a 1



)net having L(p,α) points. Thus m cannot be any

larger than L(p,α) because if it were, then by the pigeon hole principal, two of the points(Pxi −a)r−1 would lie in a single ball B

(p, 1



))so they could not be α−1

α+1 apart. ■The above lemma has to do with balls which are relatively large intersecting a given

ball. Next is a lemma which has to do with relatively small balls intersecting a given ball.First is another lemma.

Lemma 4.5.6 Let Γ > 1 and B(a,Γr) be a ball and suppose {B(xi,ri)}mi=1 are balls

contained in B(a,Γr) such that r≤ ri and none of these balls contains the center of anotherball. Then there is a constant M (p,Γ) such that m≤M (p,Γ).

Proof: Let zi = xi−a. Then B(zi,ri) are balls contained in B(0,Γr) with no ballcontaining a center of another. Then B

(ziΓr ,


)are balls in B(0,1) with no ball containing

the center of another. By compactness, there is a 18Γ

net for B(0,1), {yi}M(p,Γ)i=1 . Thus the

balls B(yi,


)cover B(0,1). If m ≥M (p,Γ) , then by the pigeon hole principle, one of

these B(yi,


)would contain some zi

Γr and z jΓr which requires

∥∥ ziΓr −

z jΓr

∥∥ ≤ 14Γ

<r j

4Γr soziΓr ∈ B

(z jΓr ,

r jΓr

). Thus m≤M (p,γ,Γ). ■

Intersections with small balls

Lemma 4.5.7 Let B be a ball having radius r and suppose B has nonempty intersectionwith the balls B1, · · · ,Bm having radii r1, · · · ,rm respectively, and as before, no Bi containsthe center of any other and the centers of the Bi are not contained in B. Suppose α > 1and r ≤ min(r1, · · · ,rm), each ri < αr. Then there exists a constant M (p,α) such thatm≤M (p,α).

Proof: Let B = B(a,r). Then each Bi is contained in B(a,2r+αr+αr) . This isbecause if y ∈ Bi ≡ B(xi,ri) ,

∥y−a∥ ≤ ∥y−xi∥+∥xi−a∥ ≤ ri + r+ ri < 2r+αr+αr

118 CHAPTER 4. LINEAR SPACESThen since ||a —al| <r+ry,||a@— yl] > ry,|y —al| > r,, and remembering that r, > ry >ar,> op Wy (rtm) try) = (ry (ry) +99)> ns “2 oe (Sr)= Toe I Ma)= SraA-xReplacing r with something larger, 4 qx is justified by the observation that x — 9>, isdecreasing. This proves the estimate between P, and Py.finally, in the case of the balls B; having centers at x;, then as above, let Pz; = a+r Zi. Then (P,, —a)r~! is on the unit sphere having center 0. Furthermore,[ei=a] P 8a-l a-lP,, - -l_(p. -1}) 4-1 Pe, - -1\|( i a)r ( vi a)r || = r | Vill — "atl a+How many points on the unit sphere can be pairwise this far apart? The unit sphere iscompact and so there exists a 7 i (% at ) net having L(p,a@) points. Thus m cannot be anylarger than L(p, @) because if it were, then by the pigeon hole principal, two of the points(Px; —@)r~' would lie in a single ball B (p, ; (S=;)) so they could not be $=} apart. iThe above lemma has to do with balls which are relatively large intersecting a givenball. Next is a lemma which has to do with relatively small balls intersecting a given ball.First is another lemma.Lemma 4.5.6 Let T > 1 and B(a,Ir) be a ball and suppose {B(ax;,ri)}7_, are ballscontained in B(a,Tr) such that r < r; and none of these balls contains the center of anotherball. Then there is a constant M (p,1) such thatm < M (p,T).Proof: Let z; = x; a. Then B(zi,ri) are balls contained in B(0,Ir) with no ballZicontaining a center of another. Then B (# Te a) are balls in B (0,1) with no ball containingthe center of another. By compactness, there is a g- net for B(0, 1), {ypu ") Thus theballs B (y;, g-) cover B(0,1). If m>M(p, r), then by the pigeon hole principle, one ofthese B (vi. sr) would contain some a and 74 which requires || 2: — || < 7. < gb 80J Ja Ee B(x, iz): Thus m <M (p,y,T). @Intersections with small ballsLemma 4.5.7 Let B be a ball having radius r and suppose B has nonempty intersectionwith the balls B,,--+ ,Bm having radii r1,--- , rm respectively, and as before, no B; containsthe center of any other and the centers of the B; are not contained in B. Suppose a > |and r <min(r},--- ,%m), each r; < ar. Then there exists a constant M(p,a) such thatm<M(p,@Q).Proof: Let B = B(a,r). Then each B; is contained in B(a,2r+ ar+ ar). This isbecause if y € B; = B(a;, ri),|y—al| <ly—al| + a—a| Str tn <2rtartar