As discussed above, we have the following definition of C1 (U) .

Definition 7.9.4 Let U ⊆ X be an open set. Then f : U →Y is C1 (U) if f is differ-entiable and the mapping x→ Df (x) , is continuous as a function from U to L (X ,Y ).

With this definition of partial derivatives, here is the major theorem. Note the resem-blance with the matrix of the derivative of a function having values in Rm in terms of thepartial derivatives.

Theorem 7.9.5 Let g,U,∏ni=1 Xi, be given as in Definition 7.9.3. Then g is C1 (U)

if and only if Dig exists and is continuous on U for each i. In this case, g is differentiableand

Dg (x)(v) = ∑k

Dkg (x)vk (7.14)

where v = (v1, · · · ,vn) .

Proof: Suppose then that Dig exists and is continuous for each i. Note ∑kj=1 θ jv j =

(v1, · · · ,vk,0, · · · ,0) . Thus ∑nj=1 θ jv j = v and define ∑

0j=1 θ jv j ≡ 0. Therefore,

g (x+v)−g (x) =n






θ jv j





θ jv j








θ jv j

)−g (x+θ kvk)






θ jv j

)−g (x)




(g (x+θ kvk)−g (x))

If hk (x) ≡ g(x+∑

k−1j=1 θ jv j

)− g (x) then the top sum is ∑

nk=1hk (x+θ kvk)−hk (x)

and from the definition of hk, ∥Dhk (x)∥ < ε a sufficiently small ball containing x. Thusthis top sum is dominated by ε ∥v∥ whenever ∥v∥ is small enough. Since ε is arbitrary, thisterm is o(v) . The last term is ∑

nk=1 Dkg (x)vk +o(vk) and so, collecting terms obtains

g (x+v)−g (x) =n


Dkg (x)vk +o(v)

which shows Dg (x) exists and equals the formula given in 7.14. Also x→ Dg (x) iscontinuous since each of the Dkg (x) are.

Next suppose g is C1. I need to verify that Dkg (x) exists and is continuous. Let v ∈ Xksufficiently small. Then

g (x+θ kv)−g (x) = Dg (x)θ kv+o(θ kv) = Dg (x)θ kv+o(v)

since ∥θ kv∥ = ∥v∥. Then Dkg (x) exists and equals Dg (x) ◦ θ k. Now x→ Dg (x) iscontinuous. Since θ k is linear, it follows from Lemma 5.2.1 that θ k : Xk→∏

ni=1 Xi is also

continuous. ■Note that the above argument also works at a single point x. That is, continuity at x of

the partials implies Dg (x) exists and is continuous at x.

7.9. THE DERIVATIVE AND THE CARTESIAN PRODUCT 197As discussed above, we have the following definition of C! (U).Definition 7.9.4 Let U CX be an open set. Then f :U + Y is C! (U) if f is differ-entiable and the mapping x — Df (a), is continuous as a function from U to Z (X,Y).With this definition of partial derivatives, here is the major theorem. Note the resem-blance with the matrix of the derivative of a function having values in R” in terms of thepartial derivatives.n . . . oe : 1bd ’ = iP) 7...Theorem 7.9.5 Let g,U TU Xi, be given as in Definition 7.9.3. Then g is C' (U)if and only if Dig exists and is continuous on U for each i. In this case, g is differentiableandv)= Yi Dig (x) vx (7.14)kwhere v = (U1,°°*,Un)-Proof: Suppose then that Djg exists and is continuous for each i. Note yi ,9jvj=(v1,--- ,Ux,0,---,0). Thus Yin 6 ;v; = v and define yi 6 ;v; = 0. Therefore,g(x+v)— ate ¥ a (++ Eom) -a(#+ Eon) (7.15)jal j=l=) (0 [+E 0; m)- a(e-+0) - (1 (++ Low) -a(e))|+ Lo (w+O,vx~) —g (x))If hx (x) =g (« +r 6v;) — g(a) then the top sum is )7_, hy (a+ O;u,) — hy (x)and from the definition of hx, ||Dhx (x)|| < € a sufficiently small ball containing w. Thusthis top sum is dominated by € ||v|| whenever ||v|| is small enough. Since € is arbitrary, thisterm is o(v). The last term is )7_, Deg (a) vg, +.0(vx) and so, collecting terms obtainsg(x+v)— =Y dala )v, +0(v)which shows Dg (a) exists and equals the formula given in 7.14. Also « — Dg (a) iscontinuous since each of the Dyg (a) are.Next suppose g is C!. I need to verify that Dyg (a) exists and is continuous. Let v € X;sufficiently small. Theng(x+ 0,v) — g(x) = Dg (x) 0,0 + 0(0,v) = Dg (x) 0,0 + 0(v)since ||0;,v|| = ||v||.. Then Dgg (a) exists and equals Dg (a) 0 0,. Now x — Dg (x) iscontinuous. Since 6, is linear, it follows from Lemma 5.2.1 that 0; : X; — []jL, X; is alsocontinuous. iNote that the above argument also works at a single point x. That is, continuity at x ofthe partials implies Dg (a) exists and is continuous at x.