That is hF does not depend on E ∈ E . Note also that 10.30 shows right away that hF (x)≤ 1a.e. Just let F = Y . Also, this shows that hY (x) = 1 for α a.e. x because from 10.30,∫

X×YXE (x)dµ = µ (E×Y ) = α (E) =


XE (x)hY (x)dα

where hY (x)≤ 1. Now let Em =[hY < 1− 1


]so α (Em)≤

(1− 1


)α (Em) Then the above

shows α (Em) = 0 and so, taking a union for m ∈N, yields that the set where hY is less than1 has α measure zero.

Now F →∫

X XE (x)hF (x)dα is clearly a measure because∫

X×Y XE (x)XF (y)dµ =∫X XE (x)hF (x)dα implies that if {Fi} are disjoint, then h∪iFi = ∑i hFi this by the unique-

ness in the Radon Nikodym theorem. That is, for fixed x,F→ hF (x) is a measure νx. SincehY (x) = 1 for α a.e. x and 0≤ hF (x)≤ 1,hY (x) = 1 α a.e., we can let νx be a probabilitymeasure for α a.e. x. Summarizing,∫

X×YXE (x)XF (y)dµ =


XE (x)∫

YXF (y)dνxdα =



XE×F (x,y)dνxdα

If ν̂x also works, then it must equal νx for α a.e. x.Let the π system K consist of E×F where E ∈ E and F ∈F . Let G be those sets

A of E ×F ≡ σ (K ) such that∫

X×Y XAdµ =∫


Y XA (x,y)dνxdα Then G contains Kand is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions and complements, the latter comingfrom the observation that X ×Y ∈ K which allows the same kind of argument used inthe above treatment of product measures. Therefore, by Dynkin’s lemma, G = σ (K ) andso, using approximation with simple functions and the monotone convergence theorem, weobtain that for any f which is E ×F ≡ σ (K ) measurable and nonnegative the iteratedintegrals make sense and

∫X×Y f dµ =


Y f dνxdα ■These measures νx are called slicing measures. They can be used to define what is

meant by independent random variables in probability. This also shows that a given µ is aproduct measure exactly when the νx don’t depend on x.

Consider now many spaces ∏ni=1 Xi where µ is a measure on E ≡ ∏

ni=1 Ei where this

denotes the product measurable sets from the (Xi,Ei) . Then for f nonnegative and E mea-surable, ∫


f dµ =∫



f dν(x1,··· ,xn−1) (xn)dν (x1, · · · ,xn−1)

Here for E ∈∏n−1i=1 Ei, ν (E)≡ ν (E×Xn) . This ν is denoted as ν (x1, · · · ,xn−1). Then this

equals ∫X1×···×Xn−2



f dν(x1,··· ,xn−1) (xn)dν(x1,··· ,xn−2) (xn−1)dν (x1, · · · ,xn−2)


· · ·∫


f dν(x1,··· ,xn−1) (xn)dν(x1,··· ,xn−2) (xn−1) · · ·dνx1 (x2)dν (x1)

where for E ∈ E1

Corollary 10.14.13 For E ≡ ∏ni=1 Ei, and f : ∏

ni=1 Xi → [0,∞] ,for (Xi,Ei) a measur-

able space and for µ a finite probability measure on E , meaning µ (∏ni=1 Xi) = 1, there are

probability measures as denoted below by ν with various subscripts such that∫X1×···×Xn

f dµ =∫


· · ·∫


f dν(x1,··· ,xn−1) (xn)dν(x1,··· ,xn−2) (xn−1) · · ·dνx1 (x2)dν (x1)

308 CHAPTER 10. THE ABSTRACT LEBESGUE INTEGRALThat is h does not depend on E € &. Note also that 10.30 shows right away that hp (x) < 1a.e. Just let F = Y. Also, this shows that hy (x) = 1 for a a.e. x because from 10.30,Xe (x)du = (ExY) =a@(E) =| Xe (x)hy (x)daXxY xwhere hy (x) < 1. Now let Em = [hy < 1— +] so (Em) < (1— +) a (E,,) Then the aboveshows & (E,,) = 0 and so, taking a union for m € N, yields that the set where /y is less than1 has & measure zero.Now F > fy 2& (x) he (x) da is clearly a measure because fy) Zz (x) 2r (y) du =Jy 2z (x) he (x) da implies that if {F;} are disjoint, then hU,r, = LAr, this by the unique-ness in the Radon Nikodym theorem. That is, for fixed x, F + hp (x) is a measure v,. Sincehy (x) = 1 for @ a.e. x and 0 < hr (x) < 1, hy (x) = 1 @ a.e., we can let v, be a probabilitymeasure for @ a.e. x. Summarizing,Xe (x) Kr (y)du = i Xu (x) | Xe (y)dv,da = I [ Xeue (x,y) dvdIf 7, also works, then it must equal v, for @ a.e. x.Let the z system .% consist of E x F where E € & and F € ¥. Let Y be those setsAof&x F =o(#) such that fy,y Radu = fy fy La (x,y) dvxda Then ¥Y containsand is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions and complements, the latter comingfrom the observation that X x Y € .# which allows the same kind of argument used inthe above treatment of product measures. Therefore, by Dynkin’s lemma, Y = o (.%) andSo, using approximation with simple functions and the monotone convergence theorem, weobtain that for any f which is & x ¥ = o(.%) measurable and nonnegative the iteratedintegrals make sense and fy.» fdu = Jy fy fdvxda WiThese measures V, are called slicing measures. They can be used to define what ismeant by independent random variables in probability. This also shows that a given U is aproduct measure exactly when the v, don’t depend on x.Consider now many spaces |]j_, X; where ps is a measure on & = []/_, 6; where thisdenotes the product measurable sets from the (X;,4;). Then for f nonnegative and & mea-surable,XxYI fdu = | SAV (x) oy -1) (Xn)dv (x1,° - Xn—1)XXX Xp XXX Xy_1 IXnHere for E € ean 6}, V(E) = V(E xX,). This v is denoted as Vv (x1,--+ ,X»—1). Then thisequals| | FAV (0 yy) Hn) AV (x -y9) n—1) AV (X14 -Xn-2)XX XXp—2 IXn—1 YXn[om f. FeV ono) ie) AV 0405.3) ea)“ 2) (1)1 nwhere for E € &|Corollary 10.14.13 For & =[]_, &, and f : TL, Xi > [0,] for (X;,&) a measur-able space and for | a finite probability measure on &, meaning U (T]_, Xi) = 1, there areprobability measures as denoted below by v with various subscripts such thatfo fa foo fo Fa, 0-9-1) Gn) AV 0405-2) Cnt) "AV (29) dV (41)XX XXp XxX Xn