10.15 Jensen’s InequalityWhen you have φ : R→ R is convex, then secant lines lie above the graph of φ . Sayx < w < z so w = λ z+(1−λ )x for some λ ∈ (0,1). Then refering to the following picture,

φ (w)−φ (x)w− x

≤ λφ (z)+(1−λ )φ (x)−φ (x)(λ z+(1−λ )x)− x

=λ (φ (z)−φ (x))

λ (z− x)=

φ (z)−φ (x)z− x

For y < w < x so w = λy+(1−λ )x. Since w− x < 0,

φ (w)−φ (x)w− x

≥ λφ (y)+(1−λ )φ (x)−φ (x)λ (y− x)

=φ (y)−φ (x)

y− x

Since x is arbitrary, this has shown that slopes of secant lines of the graph of φ over intervalsincrease as the intervals move to the right.

y x z

Lemma 10.15.1 If φ : R→ R is convex, then φ is continuous. Also, if φ is convex,µ(Ω) = 1, and f ,φ ( f ) : Ω→ R are in L1(Ω), then φ(


f du)≤∫

Ωφ( f )dµ .

Proof: Let λ ≡ limw→x+φ(w)−φ(x)

w−x . Those slopes of secant lines are decreasing and sothis limit exists. Then in the picture, for w ∈ (x,z) ,φ (x)+ λ (w− x) ≤ φ (w) ≤ φ (x)+(


)(w− x) and so φ is continuous from the right. A similar argument shows φ is

continuous from the left. In particular, letting µ ≡ limw→x−φ(x)−φ(w)

x−w ≤ λ because eachof these slopes is smaller than the slopes whose inf gives λ . Then this shows that forw ∈ (y,x) , φ(w)−φ(x)

w−x ≤ λ so φ (w)−φ (x)≥ λ (w− x) and so φ (w)≥ φ (x)+λ (w− x) and

for these ω, φ(x)−φ(w)x−w ≥ φ(x)−φ(y)

x−y so φ (w) ≤ φ (x) +(


)(w− x) so one obtains

continuity from the left. This has also shown that for w not equal to x,φ (w) ≥ φ (x) +λ (w− x) or in other words, φ (x)≤ φ (w)+λ (x−w) .Letting x =


f dµ, and using the λ

whose existence was just established, for each ω,



f dµ

)≤ φ ( f (ω))+λ


f dµ− f (ω)



dµ to both sides and use µ (Ω) = 1. Thus



f dµ


φ ( f )dµ +λ


f dµ−∫

f dµ


φ ( f )dµ.

There are no difficulties with measurability because φ is continuous. ■

Corollary 10.15.2 In the situation of Lemma 10.15.1 where µ(Ω) = 1, suppose f hasvalues in [0,∞) and is measurable. Also suppose φ is convex and increasing on [0,∞). Thenφ(∫

Ωf du)≤


φ( f )dµ .

Proof: Let fn (ω) = f (ω) if f (ω) ≤ n and let fn (ω) = n if f (ω) ≥ n. Then bothfn,φ ( fn) are in L1 (Ω) . Therefore, the above holds and φ(


fndu) ≤∫

Ωφ( fn)dµ. Let

n→ ∞ and use the monotone convergence theorem. ■

10.15. JENSEN’S INEQUALITY 30910.15 Jensen’s InequalityWhen you have ¢ : R — R is convex, then secant lines lie above the graph of @. Sayx<w<zsow=Az+(1—A)x for some A € (0,1). Then refering to the following picture,9(w)— O(a) — AG) +U—-A)O)—9() _ AME) — 9) _ 9@)—9(@)w-x (Az+(1—A)x)—x A (z—x) xFor y<w<xsow=Ay+(1—A)x. Since w—x <0,9 (w)—O (x) , AG(y) FU) 9) — 0) _ O0) OR)w-x ~ A (y—x) y-xSince x is arbitrary, this has shown that slopes of secant lines of the graph of @ over intervalsincrease as the intervals move to the right.Lemma 10.15.1 If ¢:R— R is convex, then @ is continuous. Also, if @ is convex,u(Q) = 1, and f,o (f) : Q— Rare in L'(Q), then O(fof du) < fo o(f)du.Proof: Let A = limy.+ OW) 6%) Those slopes of secant lines are decreasing and sothis limit exists. Then in the picture, for w € (x,z),@ (x) +4 (w—x) < @(w) < @(x)+(2-8) (w—x) and so @ is continuous from the right. A similar argument shows @ iscontinuous from the left. In particular, letting u = limy_,,— 9G) OW) <A because eachof these slopes is smaller than the slopes whose inf gives 2. Then this shows that forw € (y,x), 29) < J 50. (w) — (x) > A (w—x) and so 6 (w) > o (x) +4 (w—x) andfor these @, ot) ow) > on so @(w) < (x) + (See) (w— x) so one obtainscontinuity from the left. This has also shown that for w not equal to x,@(w) > @(x) +A (w —x) or in other words, @ (x) < @ (w) +A (x—w) Letting x = Jo fdu, and using the Awhose existence was just established, for each a,6 ([,rau) <o(f(@)) +A ( [rau - r(0))Do fod to both sides and use pf (Q) = 1. Thus6 ( [rau < [o(fdu+a ( [raw [, fan) = [ o(fau.There are no difficulties with measurability because @ is continuous. HiCorollary 10.15.2 In the situation of Lemma 10.15.1 where u(Q) = 1, suppose f hasvalues in [0,°¢) and is measurable. Also suppose @ is convex and increasing on (0, °°). Then(of du) < Jo O(f)du.Proof: Let f,(@) = f(@) if f(@) <n and let f,(@) =n if f(@) >n. Then bothfas (fn) are in L'(Q). Therefore, the above holds and (fo fndu) < fo (fn)du. Letn — co and use the monotone convergence theorem.