10.16 Faddeyev’s LemmaThis next lemma is due to Faddeyev. I found it in [42].

Lemma 10.16.1 Let f ,g be nonnegative measurable nonnegative functions on a mea-sure space (Ω,µ). Then

∫f gdµ =


0∫[g>t] f dµdt =



0 µ ([ f > s]∩ [g > t])dsdt.

Proof: First suppose g = aXE where E is measurable, a > 0. Now [g > t] = /0 ift ≥ a and it equals XE if t < a. Thus the right side equals

∫ a0∫

E f dµdt =∫ a


XE f dµ =∫aXE f dµ which equals the left side. Thus the first equation is true if g = aXE . Similar

reasoning shows that when you have g a nonnegative simple function, g = ∑ni=1 aiXEi

where we can arrange to have {ai} increasing, the first equation still holds. Now by themonotone convergence theorem, this yields the desired result for the first equation.

To get the second equal sign, note that∫∞



f dµdt =∫


∫X[g>t] f dµdt =





X[g>t] f > s])





0µ ([ f > s]∩ [g > t])dsdt ■

10.17 Exercises1. Let Ω = N={1,2, · · ·}. Let F = P(N), the set of all subsets of N, and let µ(S) =

number of elements in S. Thus µ({1}) = 1 = µ({2}), µ({1,2}) = 2, etc. In thiscase, all functions are measurable. For a nonnegative function, f defined on N, show∫N f dµ = ∑

∞k=1 f (k) . What do the monotone convergence and dominated conver-

gence theorems say about this example?

2. For the measure space of Problem 1, give an example of a sequence of nonnegativemeasurable functions { fn} converging pointwise to a function f , such that inequalityis obtained in Fatou’s lemma.

3. If (Ω,F ,µ) is a measure space and f ≥ 0 is measurable, show that if g(ω) = f (ω)a.e. ω and g≥ 0, then

∫gdµ =

∫f dµ. Show that if f ,g ∈ L1 (Ω) and g(ω) = f (ω)

a.e. then∫

gdµ =∫

f dµ .

4. Let { fn} , f be measurable functions with values in C. { fn} converges in measure iflimn→∞ µ(x ∈Ω : | f (x)− fn(x)| ≥ ε) = 0 for each fixed ε > 0. Prove the theorem ofF. Riesz. If fn converges to f in measure, then there exists a subsequence { fnk}whichconverges to f a.e. In case µ is a probability measure, this is called convergence inprobability. It does not imply pointwise convergence but does imply that there is asubsequence which converges pointwise off a set of measure zero. Hint: Choose n1such that µ(x : | f (x)− fn1(x)| ≥ 1) < 1/2. Choose n2 > n1 such that µ(x : | f (x)−fn2(x)| ≥ 1/2) < 1/22 n3 > n2 such that µ(x : | f (x)− fn3(x)| ≥ 1/3) < 1/23, etc.Now consider what it means for fnk(x) to fail to converge to f (x). Use the BorelCantelli Lemma 9.2.5 on Page 243.

5. Let (X ,F ,µ) be a regular measure space. For example, it could beRp with Lebesguemeasure. Why do we care about a measure space being regular? This problem willshow why. Suppose that closures of balls are compact as in the case of Rp.

310 CHAPTER 10. THE ABSTRACT LEBESGUE INTEGRAL10.16 Faddeyev’s LemmaThis next lemma is due to Faddeyev. I found it in [42].Lemma 10.16.1 Let f,¢ be nonnegative measurable nonnegative functions on a mea-sure space (Q,). Then f fgdw = Jo Jigs fdudt = fy Jo M(Lf > 8] O[g > t]) dsdt.Proof: First suppose g = a.2g_ where E is measurable, a > 0. Now |g >t] = 0 ift >a and it equals Zz if t < a. Thus the right side equals fj fj, fdudt = fy [ 2efdu =fa2%_fdu which equals the left side. Thus the first equation is true if g = a2. Similarreasoning shows that when you have g a nonnegative simple function, g = Y_, aj. 2,where we can arrange to have {a;} increasing, the first equation still holds. Now by themonotone convergence theorem, this yields the desired result for the first equation.To get the second equal sign, note that[ won NO ~ [ [ %eafauar= [Ow (Peas > 5]) dsat= [ [wire sinte> s)asae m10.17. Exercises1. Let Q=N={1,2,---}. Let ¥ = A(N), the set of all subsets of N, and let w(S) =number of elements in S. Thus u({1}) = 1 = u({2}), uw({1,2}) = 2, etc. In thiscase, all functions are measurable. For a nonnegative function, f defined on N, showJn fd = Le, f (k). What do the monotone convergence and dominated conver-gence theorems say about this example?2. For the measure space of Problem 1, give an example of a sequence of nonnegativemeasurable functions { f, } converging pointwise to a function f, such that inequalityis obtained in Fatou’s lemma.3. If (Q,.F, 1) is a measure space and f > 0 is measurable, show that if g(@) = f(@)ae. @ and g > 0, then f gdu = f{ fd. Show that if f,g € L!(Q) and g(@) = f (@)a.e. then fgdu = f fdu.4. Let {f,},f be measurable functions with values in C. {f,} converges in measure iflimy—yoo M(x € Q: | f(x) — fn(x)| > €) =0 for each fixed € > 0. Prove the theorem ofF. Riesz. If f, converges to f in measure, then there exists a subsequence {f;, } whichconverges to f a.e. In case Wf is a probability measure, this is called convergence inprobability. It does not imply pointwise convergence but does imply that there is asubsequence which converges pointwise off a set of measure zero. Hint: Choose nsuch that u(x : | f(x) — fn, (x)| = 1) < 1/2. Choose nz > n; such that u(x: | f(x) —fry (x)| > 1/2) < 1/27 ng > m2 such that p(x : | f(x) — fas(x)| > 1/3) < 1/23, ete.Now consider what it means for f,, (x) to fail to converge to f(x). Use the BorelCantelli Lemma 9.2.5 on Page 243.5. Let (X,-%, UW) be aregular measure space. For example, it could be R? with Lebesguemeasure. Why do we care about a measure space being regular? This problem willshow why. Suppose that closures of balls are compact as in the case of R?.