≤ |t0|

µ(spt( f ))︷ ︸︸ ︷n



nn |t0|+∑

itiµ (Ei)+∑




iεµ (Ei)+


n−|t0|µ(spt( f ))

≤ ε |t0|+ ε (|t0|+ |b|)+ εµ(spt( f ))+ ε2 +∑

itiµ (Ei)

≤ ε |t0|+ ε (|t0|+ |b|)+2εµ(spt( f ))+ ε2 +




≤ ε (2 |t0|+ |b|+2µ(spt( f ))+ ε)+∫

f dµ

Since ε > 0 is arbitrary, L f ≤∫

f dµ for all f ∈Cc(X), f real. Hence equality holds becauseL(− f ) ≤ −

∫f dµ so L( f ) ≥

∫f dµ . Thus L f =

∫f dµ for all f ∈ Cc(X). Just apply the

result for real functions to the real and imaginary parts of f . ■Using Corollary 9.8.9 we obtain the following corollary. Note that the conditions of

the above theorem imply that X is a Polish space in the usual case where closed balls arecompact.

Corollary 11.2.3 If X is a Polish space then in the above theorem, we obtain innerregularity of µ in terms of compact sets. That is if F ∈F , then

µ (F) = sup{µ (K) : K ⊆ F,K compact}

11.3 The p Dimensional Lebesgue MeasureTheorem 11.2.2 will provide many examples of Radon measures on Rp. Lebesgue measureis obtained by letting

L f ≡∫R· · ·∫R

f (x1, ...,xp)dm1 (x1) · · ·dmp (xp)

for f ∈Cc (Rp). Thus Lebesgue measure is a Radon measure, denoted as mp. In this case,the σ algebra will be denoted as Fp. Lebesgue measure also has other very importantproperties. Integrals can be easily computed and the measure is translation invariant.

Theorem 11.3.1 Whenever f is measurable and nonnegative, then whenever g isBorel measurable and equals f a.e. and h is Borel and equals f a.e.∫

R· · ·∫R

h(x1, ...,xp)dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip



f dmp =∫R· · ·∫R

g(x1, ...,xp)dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip

)where (i1, i2, ..., ip) is any permutation of the integers {1,2, ..., p}. Also, mp is regular andcomplete. If R is of the form ∏

pi=1 Ii where Ii is an interval, then mp (R) is the product of the

lengths of the sides of R. Also if E ∈Fp, then mp (x+E) = mp (E).

320 CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESL(spt(f))22< tol ale )+ nt lol + Dae ( B+ En, + Lenk ) + — = [ol M(sptlf ))IA€ |to| + € (\to| +|b]) +en(spt(f)) +e? + Yin (Ei)€ |to| +€ (\to| +|b|) + 2eu(spt(f)) +e? + D1 M(B)i=]lA<e(2lto| + [bl +2u(spt(f)) +2)+ f faySince € > Ois arbitrary, Lf < f fd forall f €C.(X), f real. Hence equality holds becauseL(-f) <—f fdu so L(f) > f fdu. Thus Lf = f fdu for all f € C.(X). Just apply theresult for real functions to the real and imaginary parts of f. HiUsing Corollary 9.8.9 we obtain the following corollary. Note that the conditions ofthe above theorem imply that X is a Polish space in the usual case where closed balls arecompact.Corollary 11.2.3 if X is a Polish space then in the above theorem, we obtain innerregularity of in terms of compact sets. That is if F © #, thenLL (F) =sup{u(K): K C F,K compact}11.3. The p Dimensional Lebesgue MeasureTheorem 11.2.2 will provide many examples of Radon measures on R?. Lebesgue measureis obtained by lettingLf= [- [rl X1,0-,Xp) dm (x1) ++-dmp (Xp)for f € C. (R’). Thus Lebesgue measure is a Radon measure, denoted as Mp. In this case,the o algebra will be denoted as #,. Lebesgue measure also has other very importantproperties. Integrals can be easily computed and the measure is translation invariant.Theorem 11.3.1 Whenever f is measurable and nonnegative, then whenever g isBorel measurable and equals f a.e. and h is Borel and equals f a.e.[- [Ln X1,++-,Xp) dm (xj,)-+-dmp (xi,) =| fam, = | [a X15 2X, p) dm (xi, )- --dmp (xi,)where (i},i2,..-,ip) is any permutation of the integers {1,2,...,p}. Also, mp is regular andcomplete. If R is of the form Me, I; where I; is an interval, then my (R) is the product of thelengths of the sides of R. Also if E € Fp, then mp (x+E) = my (E).