Proof: Let K consist of all open rectangles ∏i (ai,bi) along with /0 and Rp. Thus thisis a π system. Let Rn ≡ ∏

pi=1 (−n,n). Let G consist of the Borel sets E ⊆ Rp such that∫

Rn∩E dmp =∫R · · ·

∫RXRn∩Edm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp


). Then K ⊆ G . It is obvious from the

monotone convergence theorem that G is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions.Indeed, this theorem implies that for E = ∪iEi, the Ei disjoint,


dmp = limm→∞



dmp = limm→∞





= limm→∞



∫R· · ·∫R

XRn∩Eidm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip


= limm→∞

(∫R· · ·∫R



XRn∩Eidm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip


= limm→∞

(∫R· · ·∫R

XRn∩∪mi=1Eidm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp



(∫R· · ·∫R

XRn∩Edm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip

))As to complements,


dmp =∫

Rn∩EC dmp +∫

Rn∩E dmp. Thus∫R· · ·∫R

XRn∩EC dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip


∫R· · ·∫R(XRn −XRn∩E)dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp




It follows that G = B (Rp) , the Borel sets. Hence∫Rp

XEdmp =∫R· · ·∫R

XEdm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip

)for any Borel set E after letting n→ ∞ and using the monotone convergence theorem.Approximating a nonnegative Borel function g with an increasing sequence of simple Borelmeasurable functions, and using the monotone convergence theorem yields∫

gdmp =∫R· · ·∫R

g(x1, ...,xp)dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip

)The claim about the measure of a box being the product of the lengths of its sides alsocomes from this.

By Proposition 11.1.2, for f measurable, there exists g Borel measurable such thatg = f a.e. and g≤ f . Then∫

Rpf dmp =


gdmp =∫R· · ·∫R

g(x1, ...,xp)dm1 (xi1) · · ·dmp(xip

)It is similar if h≥ f and equal to f a.e.

It remains to consider the claim about translation invariance. If R is a box, R =

∏pi=1 (ai,bi) , then it is clear that mp (x+R) = mp (R). Let K be as above and let G be

those Borel sets E for which mp (x+E ∩Rn) = mp (E ∩Rn) where Rn is as above. Thus G

11.3. THE p DIMENSIONAL LEBESGUE MEASURE 321Proof: Let .% consist of all open rectangles J]; (a;,b;) along with @ and R?. Thus thisis a 1 system. Let R, =J_, (—n,n). Let Y consist of the Borel sets E C R? such thatSeng mp = Seo Sg %R,redmy (xi,)-++dimy (xi,). Then .#% CY. It is obvious from themonotone convergence theorem that Y is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions.Indeed, this theorem implies that for E = U;E;, the F; disjoint,dmy = lim diy = lim / Xe gdmI. P moo , RpaQU" E; m-—0o » RniNE; ?)- tin (F [ [ tract dn (5)= in (fo [SE ions as),= lim (fof, Pracum edn (xj, )---dmp (,))m—- eo= (ff %acea (xi, )-+-dmp (s,))As to complements, fp dip = Jr ngcdmp + Srngdmp. Thusfl ® d eed i)=I | Peare m| (Xi, ) Mp (Xip )[ov [Gig = Five) any (xj, )---dmp (xi, ) = | dmpRyNE©It follows that Y = A(R”), the Borel sets. HenceXLedm =| vf Ledm (xj, )++-dmp (xjep EaMp R R E 1 (Xi, ) p (Xin)for any Borel set EF after letting n — oo and using the monotone convergence theorem.Approximating a nonnegative Borel function g with an increasing sequence of simple Borelmeasurable functions, and using the monotone convergence theorem yields[samy = [8 Xe ® p) dm (xi, )- --dmp (xi,)The claim about the measure of a box being the product of the lengths of its sides alsocomes from this.By Proposition 11.1.2, for f measurable, there exists g Borel measurable such thatg=/f ae. and g < f. ThenI, fam = [ gdp = | [a X15 +4,Xp)dmy (xj,)++-dmp (xi,)It is similar if h > f and equal to f a.e.It remains to consider the claim about translation invariance. If R is a box, R =TT, (ai,b;), then it is clear that m,(a+R) = m,(R). Let % be as above and let Y bethose Borel sets E for which mp (a+ENRn) = mp (EMRz) where R, is as above. Thus