13.2.1 Fourier Transforms of Functions in L1 (Rn)

First suppose f ∈ L1 (Rn) .

Theorem 13.2.9 Let f ∈ L1 (Rn) . Then F f (φ) =∫Rn gφdt where

g(t) =(


)n/2 ∫Rn

e−it·x f (x)dx

and F−1 f (φ) =∫Rn gφdt where g(t) =

( 12π

)n/2 ∫Rn eit·x f (x)dx. In short,

F f (t)≡ (2π)−n/2∫Rn

e−it·x f (x)dx, F−1 f (t)≡ (2π)−n/2∫Rn

eit·x f (x)dx.

Proof: From the definition and Fubini’s theorem,

F f (φ) ≡∫Rn

f (t)Fφ (t)dt =∫Rn

f (t)(


)n/2 ∫Rn

e−it·xφ (x)dxdt



)n/2 ∫Rn

f (t)e−it·xdt

)φ (x)dx.

Since φ ∈G is arbitrary, it follows from Theorem 13.2.7 that F f (x) is given by the claimedformula. The case of F−1 is identical. ■

Here are interesting properties of these Fourier transforms of functions in L1.

Theorem 13.2.10 If f ∈ L1 (Rn) and ∥ fk − f∥1 → 0, then F fk and F−1 fk con-verge uniformly to F f and F−1 f respectively. If f ∈ L1 (Rn), then F−1 f and F f are bothcontinuous and bounded. Also,


F−1 f (x) = lim|x|→∞

F f (x) = 0. (13.3)

Furthermore, for f ∈ L1 (Rn) both F f and F−1 f are uniformly continuous.

Proof: The first claim follows from the following inequality.

|F fk (t)−F f (t)| ≤ (2π)−n/2∫Rn

∣∣e−it·x fk(x)− e−it·x f (x)∣∣dx

= (2π)−n/2∫Rn| fk (x)− f (x)|dx = (2π)−n/2 ∥ f − fk∥1 .

which a similar argument holding for F−1.Now consider the second claim of the theorem.∣∣F f (t)−F f

(t′)∣∣≤ (2π)−n/2


∣∣∣e−it·x− e−it′·x∣∣∣ | f (x)|dx

The integrand is bounded by 2 | f (x)|, a function in L1 (Rn) and converges to 0 as t′→ tand so the dominated convergence theorem implies F f is continuous. To see F f (t) isuniformly bounded,

|F f (t)| ≤ (2π)−n/2∫Rn| f (x)|dx < ∞.

13.2. FOURIER TRANSFORMS OF JUST ABOUT ANYTHING 38113.2.1 Fourier Transforms of Functions in L! (R”)First suppose f € L! (IR").Theorem 13.2.9 Let fe (R"). Then F f (@) = Jpn gGdt whereg(t) = em oi @ F (@) dxand F~' f(b) = Jpn godt where g(t) = (sL)"” Sign © f (a) dx. In short,F f(t) = (2a)? | e@ F(@)dx, Fo! f(t) = (2a)? [ et f(a)dx.nProof: From the definition and Fubini’s theorem,1 n/2 ;[fore (t) dt = [Fe (=) [, e* (a) dxdtI, (45) et ©) teas $ (a) dx.Since @ € is arbitrary, it follows from Theorem 13.2.7 that Ff (a) is given by the claimedformula. The case of F~! is identical.Here are interesting properties of these Fourier transforms of functions in L!.Ff (9)Theorem 13.2.10 7 f € L'(R") and || f; — f ||) + 0, then F fe and F~ fi, con-verge uniformly to F f and F~'f respectively. If f € L' (IR"), then F~'f and Ff are bothcontinuous and bounded. Also,lim F-' f(a) = lim F f(a) =0. (13.3)|ac|—+00 |ar|—+00Furthermore, for f € L' (IR") both F f and F~'f are uniformly continuous.Proof: The first claim follows from the following inequality.Fit) —FF(®| < Qmyn? | Jet fiw) —e** f(a@)|dxR”(2ny-" | fil@) — f(@)|de = (2m)? If Fillywhich a similar argument holding for F~!.Now consider the second claim of the theorem.|F f(t) Ff (t')| < (2m)? | Jette —e | | F(a) | dxR”The integrand is bounded by 2|f (a)|, a function in L! (IR”) and converges to 0 as t! + tand so the dominated convergence theorem implies Ff is continuous. To see F f(t) isuniformly bounded,FFO| <n)? [ [fl@)lar<e.