A similar argument gives the same conclusions for F−1.It remains to verify 13.3 and the claim that F f and F−1 f are uniformly continuous.

|F f (t)| ≤∣∣∣∣(2π)−n/2


e−it·x f (x)dx∣∣∣∣

Now let ε > 0 be given and let g ∈C∞c (Rn) such that (2π)−n/2 ∥g− f∥1 < ε/2. Then

|F f (t)| ≤ (2π)−n/2∫Rn| f (x)−g(x)|dx+



≤ ε/2+∣∣∣∣(2π)−n/2


e−it·xg(x)dx∣∣∣∣ .

Now integrating by parts, it follows that for ∥t∥∞≡max

{∣∣t j∣∣ : j = 1, · · · ,n

}> 0

|F f (t)| ≤ ε/2+(2π)−n/2

∣∣∣∣∣ 1∥t∥




∣∣∣∣∂g(x)∂x j


∣∣∣∣∣ (13.4)

and this last expression converges to zero as ∥t∥∞→∞. The reason for this is that if t j ̸= 0,

integration by parts with respect to x j gives


e−it·xg(x)dx = (2π)−n/2 1−it j


e−it·x ∂g(x)∂x j


Therefore, choose the j for which ∥t∥∞=∣∣t j∣∣ and the result of 13.4 holds. Therefore, from

13.4, if ∥t∥∞

is large enough, |F f (t)|< ε . Similarly, lim∥t∥→∞ F−1 (t) = 0.Consider the claim about uniform continuity. Let ε > 0 be given. Then there exists R

such that if ∥t∥∞> R, then |F f (t)|< ε

2 . Since F f is continuous, it is uniformly continuouson the compact set [−R−1,R+1]n. Therefore, there exists δ 1 such that if ∥t− t′∥

∞< δ 1

for t′,t ∈ [−R−1,R+1]n, then ∣∣F f (t)−F f(t′)∣∣< ε/2. (13.5)

Now let 0 < δ < min(δ 1,1) and suppose ∥t− t′∥∞< δ . If both t,t′ are contained in

[−R,R]n, then 13.5 holds. If t ∈ [−R,R]n and t′ /∈ [−R,R]n, then both are contained in[−R−1,R+1]n and so this verifies 13.5 in this case. The other case is that neither point isin [−R,R]n and in this case,∣∣F f (t)−F f

(t′)∣∣≤ |F f (t)|+

∣∣F f(t′)∣∣< ε



2= ε. ■

There is a very interesting relation between the Fourier transform and convolutions.

Theorem 13.2.11 Let f ,g ∈ L1(Rn). Then f ∗g ∈ L1, F( f ∗g) = (2π)n/2 F f Fg.

Proof: Consider ∫Rn

∫Rn| f (x−y)g(y)|dydx.

The function, (x,y)→ | f (x−y)g(y)| is Lebesgue measurable and so by Fubini’s theo-rem, ∫


∫Rn| f (x−y)g(y)|dydx =


∫Rn| f (x−y)g(y)|dxdy = ∥ f∥1 ∥g∥1 < ∞.

382 CHAPTER 13. FOURIER TRANSFORMSA similar argument gives the same conclusions for F~!.It remains to verify 13.3 and the claim that F f and F~'f are uniformly continuous.IF (8| < any"? [p(wNow let € > 0 be given and let g € C2 (R") such that (22)~"’” ||g — fl, <€/2. ThenFf) <n)" fe) —s(@)lax-+|(2m)-"? [etteeaaxIAe/2+|amy"? [ e ©” o(a)dx].R”Now integrating by parts, it follows that for |]¢||,, = max {|f;|: j= 1,---,n} >01 ff S]98(@)Tae JonOx jand this last expression converges to zero as ||t||,, > c. The reason for this is that if t; 4 0,integration by parts with respect to x; givesIF f (t)| <¢/2+(2m)-"/? dx (13.4)(2ny-"? | e *® o(n)dx _ (aye — | elite dg (a) dx.n —itj JR" Ox;Therefore, choose the j for which ||¢||,, = |t;| and the result of 13.4 holds. Therefore, from13.4, if ||¢|),. is large enough, |F f (t)| < €. Similarly, limyg)_,.. F' (€) = 0.Consider the claim about uniform continuity. Let € > 0 be given. Then there exists Rsuch that if ||¢||,, > R, then |F f (t)| < §. Since Ff is continuous, it is uniformly continuouson the compact set [—R—1,R+1]". Therefore, there exists 6; such that if || —t’||,, < 61for t’,t € [-R—1,R+1]", thenll.IF f(t) Ff (t’)| <e/2. (13.5)Now let 0 < 6 < min(6,,1) and suppose ||t—¢t’||,, < 6. If both t,t’ are contained in[—R,R]", then 13.5 holds. If ¢ € [—R,R]" and t’ ¢ [—R,R]", then both are contained in[—R—1,R+1]" and so this verifies 13.5 in this case. The other case is that neither point isin [—R, R]" and in this case,€ €FF) -FF()|SIFFO|+|FF(C) |< 545-8: 0There is a very interesting relation between the Fourier transform and convolutions.Theorem 13.2.11 Let f,¢ € L'(R"). Then fxg €L', F(f «g) = (20) F fF.Proof: ConsiderI. on FE (@— 9) 8(y)| dyads.The function, (x,y) > |f (a —y)g(y)| is Lebesgue measurable and so by Fubini’s theo-rem,[. L,@-wewlaa= lf ir@-w)sw)lasdy= fll <=