Proof: Let ψ ∈ G be given. Then from Theorem 13.2.8,

F f (ψ) ≡ f (Fψ)≡∫Rn

f (x)Fψ (x)dx

= limk→∞


φ k (x)Fψ (x)dx = limk→∞


Fφ k (x)ψ (x)dx.

Also by Theorem 13.2.12 {Fφ k}∞

k=1 is Cauchy in L2 (Rn) since

∥Fφ k−Fφ l∥L2 = ∥φ k−φ l∥L2 ,

and so limk→∞ Fφ k = h for some h ∈ L2 (Rn). Therefore, from the above, F f (ψ) =∫Rn h(x)ψ (x) which shows that F ( f )∈ L2 (Rn) and h=F ( f ) . The case of F−1 is entirely

similar. ■Since F f and F−1 f are in L2 (Rn) , this also proves the following theorem.

Theorem 13.2.14 If f ∈ L2(Rn), F f and F−1 f are the unique elements of L2 (Rn)such that for all φ ∈ G , ∫

RnF f (x)φ(x)dx =


f (x)Fφ(x)dx, (13.8)


F−1 f (x)φ(x)dx =∫Rn

f (x)F−1φ(x)dx. (13.9)

Theorem 13.2.15 (Plancherel)

∥ f∥2 = ∥F f∥2 = ∥F−1 f∥2. (13.10)

Proof: Use the density of G in L2 (Rn) to obtain a sequence, {φ k} converging to f inL2 (Rn). Then by Lemma 13.2.13

∥F f∥2 = limk→∞

∥Fφ k∥2 = limk→∞

∥φ k∥2 = ∥ f∥2 .

Similarly, ∥ f∥2 = ∥F−1 f∥2. ■The following corollary is a generalization of this. To prove this corollary, use the

following simple lemma which comes as a consequence of the Cauchy Schwarz inequality.

Lemma 13.2.16 Suppose fk→ f in L2 (Rn) and gk→ g in L2 (Rn). Then



fkgkdx =∫Rn

f gdx



f gdx∣∣∣∣≤ ∣∣∣∣∫Rn


fkgdx∣∣∣∣+ ∣∣∣∣∫Rn


f gdx∣∣∣∣

≤ ∥ fk∥2 ∥g−gk∥2 +∥g∥2 ∥ fk− f∥2 .

Now ∥ fk∥2 is a Cauchy sequence and so it is bounded independent of k. Therefore, theabove expression is smaller than ε whenever k is large enough. ■

384 CHAPTER 13. FOURIER TRANSFORMSProof: Let yw € Y be given. Then from Theorem 13.2.8,Fiy) = fw [ f@ry(@)aylim [, o, (x) Fw(x)dx=lim | FO, (a) w(x) dx.ko k-yoo J IRNAlso by Theorem 13.2.12 {F 9, }_, is Cauchy in L? (IR") since|Fo,-F oily = 1. -Orlle,and so limy.F@, =h for some h € L?(R"). Therefore, from the above, F f(y) =Jin h(a) y (az) which shows that F (f) € L? (IR”) and h= F (f). The case of F~! is entirelysimilar.Since F f and F~'f are in L? (IR”), this also proves the following theorem.Theorem 13.2.14 if 6 LV’ (R"), Ff and F~'f are the unique elements of L? (R")such that for all 9 €G,i F f(a)(w)dx = [ f(x) Fo(x)dx, (13.8)R” 5 R”) F'f(a)9(a)dx= [ f(v)F7'0(a)dx. (13.9)R” R?Theorem 13.2.15 (Plancherel)\Ifllo =F fle =|lF fla. (13.10)Proof: Use the density of Y in L? (IR”) to obtain a sequence, {@,} converging to f inL? (R"). Then by Lemma 13.2.13F = lim ||F =i = .IF flo jim || Pxll2 iim lille fllSimilarly, || fl|2 = ||F~'fl||2.The following corollary is a generalization of this. To prove this corollary, use thefollowing simple lemma which comes as a consequence of the Cauchy Schwarz inequality.Lemma 13.2.16 Suppose fy; — f in L? (R") and g, > g in L’ (R"). Thenlim figidx = | fagdx. R”k-y00 JRProof:| | fegudx— / fedx| < | | Fegedx — | fagdx 7 | fegdx — [ figdxR” R? R’ R" R” R"S ||fello Ile — sella + Illa Ife — fllo-Now || fx||, is a Cauchy sequence and so it is bounded independent of k. Therefore, theabove expression is smaller than € whenever k is large enough.