Corollary 13.2.17 For f ,g ∈ L2(Rn),∫Rn

f gdx =∫Rn

F f Fgdx =∫Rn

F−1 f F−1gdx.

Proof: First note the above formula is obvious if f ,g ∈ G . To see this, note∫Rn

F f Fgdx =∫Rn

F f (x)1








eix·tF f (x)dxg(t)dt =∫Rn

(F−1 ◦F

)f (t)g(t)dt =


f (t)g(t)dt.

The formula with F−1 is exactly similar.Now to verify the corollary, let φ k→ f in L2 (Rn) and let ψk→ g in L2 (Rn). Then by

Lemma 13.2.13∫Rn

F f Fgdx = limk→∞


Fφ k Fψkdx = limk→∞


φ kψkdx =∫Rn

f gdx

A similar argument holds for F−1. ■How does one compute F f and F−1 f ?

Theorem 13.2.18 For f ∈ L2(Rn), let fr = f XEr where Er is a bounded measur-able set with Er ↑ Rn. Then the following limits hold in L2 (Rn) .

F f = limr→∞

F fr , F−1 f = limr→∞

F−1 fr.

Proof: ∥ f − fr∥2→ 0 and so ∥F f −F fr∥2→ 0 and ∥F−1 f −F−1 fr∥2→ 0 which bothfollow from Plancherel’s Theorem. ■

What are F fr and F−1 fr? Let φ ∈ G∫Rn

F frφdx =∫Rn

frFφdx = (2π)−n2








Since this holds for all φ ∈ G , a dense subset of L2(Rn), it follows that

F fr(y) = (2π)−n2




F−1 fr(y) = (2π)−n2



This shows that to take the Fourier transform of a function in L2 (Rn), it suffices to take thelimit as r→ ∞ in L2 (Rn) of (2π)−

n2∫Rn fr(x)e−ix·ydx. A similar procedure works for the

inverse Fourier transform.Note this reduces to the earlier definition in case f ∈ L1 (Rn). Now consider the convo-

lution of a function in L2 with one in L1.

13.2. FOURIER TRANSFORMS OF JUST ABOUT ANYTHING 385Corollary 13.2.17 For f,g € L?(R"),[ teex= [| Ff Fedx= | Fo! f F-ledx.R” R” R”Proof: First note the above formula is obvious if f,g € Y. To see this, noteFo, ! ia:[Pf Fede [Ff (e) oe [6 te (t) dtdx= — | eR f (a) dxg (t)dt = | (F-loF) f(t)g(Hdt= | f(t)g (bdr.- Re (27) n R"The formula with F~! is exactly similar.Now to verify the corollary, let 6, + f in L? (R") and let y;, — g in L? (IR”). Then byLemma 13.2.13ve kee JR" k—ve0 JIR" JipnA similar argument holds for F~!. iHow does one compute F f and F~!f ?Theorem 13.2.18 For f <1’ (R"), let f, = f Xz, where E, is a bounded measur-able set with E, +R". Then the following limits hold in L* (R").a. -lr_ 1: —1Ff=limFf,,F f= lim“ f,.Proof: || f — f;||2 > 0 and so ||F f — F f,||2 + 0 and ||F~! f — F7! f,.||2 > 0 which bothfollow from Plancherel’s Theorem.What are F f, and F~'f,? Let 6 EY[Pheu = [ frodxe= mt [ [fe o(y)ayaxR" Re" n JiRn[lem [ we *¥ax\o(y)dy.Since this holds for all @ € Y, a dense subset of L’(R"), it follows thatFfty)= (2m) 4 | plwe Yas.SimilarlyF' f(y) = (2n)~? [ fr(a)el® dx.ReThis shows that to take the Fourier transform of a function in L? (IR”), it suffices to take thelimit as r —> co in L? (IR") of (21)~? fon f-(a)e /”Y%dx. A similar procedure works for theinverse Fourier transform.Note this reduces to the earlier definition in case f € L! (IR"). Now consider the convo-lution of a function in L? with one in L!.