Theorem 13.2.19 Let h ∈ L2 (Rn) and let f ∈ L1 (Rn). Then h∗ f ∈ L2 (Rn),

F−1 (h∗ f ) = (2π)n/2 F−1hF−1 f , F (h∗ f ) = (2π)n/2 FhF f ,

and||h∗ f ||2 ≤ ∥h∥2 ∥ f∥1 . (13.11)

Proof: An application of Minkowski’s inequality yields(∫Rn

(∫Rn|h(x−y)| | f (y)|dy




≤ ∥ f∥1 ∥h∥2 . (13.12)

Hence∫|h(x−y)| | f (y)|dy < ∞ a.e. x and x→

∫h(x−y) f (y)dy is in L2 (Rn). Let

Er ↑ Rn, m(Er)< ∞. Thus, hr ≡XEr h ∈ L2 (Rn)∩L1 (Rn), and letting φ ∈ G ,∫F (hr ∗ f )(φ)dx =


(hr ∗ f )(Fφ)dx = (2π)−n/2∫ ∫ ∫

hr (x−y) f (y)e−ix·tφ (t)dtdydx

= (2π)−n/2∫ ∫ (∫

hr (x−y)e−i(x−y)·tdx)

f (y)e−iy·tdyφ (t)dt


(2π)n/2 Fhr (t)F f (t)φ (t)dt.

Since φ is arbitrary and G is dense in L2 (Rn), F (hr ∗ f ) = (2π)n/2 FhrF f . Now by Mink-owski’s Inequality, hr ∗ f → h∗ f in L2 (Rn) and also it is clear that hr → h in L2 (Rn) ; so,by Plancherel’s theorem, you may take the limit in the above and conclude the followingequation: F (h∗ f ) = (2π)n/2 FhF f . The assertion for F−1 is similar and 13.11 followsfrom 13.12. ■

13.2.3 The Schwartz ClassThe problem with G is that it does not contain C∞

c (Rn). I have used it in presenting theFourier transform because the functions in G have a very specific form which made sometechnical details work out easier than in any other approach I have seen. The Schwartzclass is a larger class of functions which does contain C∞

c (Rn) and also has the same niceproperties as G . The functions in the Schwartz class are infinitely differentiable and theyvanish very rapidly as |x|→∞ along with all their partial derivatives. This is the descriptionof these functions, not a specific form involving polynomials times e−α|x|2 . To describe thisprecisely requires some notation.

Definition 13.2.20 f ∈S, the Schwartz class, if f ∈C∞(Rn) and for all positiveintegers N, ρN( f )< ∞ where

ρN( f ) = sup{(1+ |x|2)N |Dα f (x)| : x ∈ Rn , |α| ≤ N}.

Thus f ∈S if and only if f ∈C∞(Rn) and

sup{|xβ Dα f (x)| : x ∈ Rn}< ∞ (13.13)

for all multi indices α and β .

386 CHAPTER 13. FOURIER TRANSFORMSTheorem 13.2.19 Leth € 1? (R") and let f € L' (R"). Then hx f € L? (R"),Fo" (hx f) = (20)"? FhF-|f, F (hx f) = 20)" FHF f,andIa* flo < WAlla Ifill - (13.11)Proof: An application of Minkowski’s inequality yields1/22(/ ( [ nw—y) f(w)|dy) is) < |lfllr Walls: (13.12)Hence f|h(x—y)||f(y)|dy < ae. # and x > fh(a—y) f(y) dy is in L? (R"). LetE, +R", m(E;) < os. Thus, h, = 2%,h € L? (R") OL! (R"), and letting @ € Y,[Flees f\(o)ae=[rex n(royar= ny"? [ f [nee —y) s ye ®*o (t)dtdyasany? [| ( [ine wet tar) fly)e aye (tar= | 2n)"P Fh (t) Ff (t)0 (tha.Since @ is arbitrary and Y is dense in L? (R"), F (h, * f) = (2m)"/? Fh,F f. Now by Mink-owski’s Inequality, h, « f > h* f in L? (R") and also it is clear that h, — h in L? (R"); so,by Plancherel’s theorem, you may take the limit in the above and conclude the followingequation: F (hx f) = (2m)"/ ° FhF f. The assertion for F~! is similar and 13.11 followsfrom The Schwartz ClassThe problem with Y is that it does not contain C? (IR”). I have used it in presenting theFourier transform because the functions in Y have a very specific form which made sometechnical details work out easier than in any other approach I have seen. The Schwartzclass is a larger class of functions which does contain Ce (R”) and also has the same niceproperties as Y. The functions in the Schwartz class are infinitely differentiable and theyvanish very rapidly as |a| —> o along with all their partial derivatives. This is the descriptionof these functions, not a specific form involving polynomials times e~“l#l" To describe thisprecisely requires some notation.Definition 13.2.20 ¢ € 6, the Schwartz class, if f € C”(R") and for all positiveintegers N, py(f) < % wherePy(f) =sup{(1+|a|")"|D*f(w)| +a ER", |a| <N}.Thus f € © if and only if f € C*(R") andsup{|a? D® f(a)| : a2 € R"} <0o (13.13)for all multi indices a and B.