By hypothesisx→ φ ε (h(x, t))(cof D1 (h(x, t)))α j for x ∈Ω

is in C∞c (Ω) because if x ∈ ∂Ω, it follows that for all t ∈ [a,b] ,h(x, t) /∈ B(0,ε) and so

φ ε (h(x, t)) = 0 off some compact set contained in Ω. Therefore, integrate by parts andwrite

B =−∫



∂x j(φ ε (h(x, t)))(cof D1 (h(x, t)))α j hα,tdx+




φ ε (h(x, t))(cofD(h(x, t)))α j, j hα,tdx

The second term equals zero by Lemma 15.1.8. Simplifying the first term yields

B = −∫



φ ε,β (h(x, t))hβ , jhα,t (cofD1 (h(x, t)))α j dx

= −∫



φ ε,β (h(x, t))hα,t ∑j

hβ , j (cofD1 (h(x, t)))α j dx

Now the sum on j is the dot product of the βth row with the α th row of the cofactor matrix

which equals zero unless β = α because it would be a cofactor expansion of a matrix withtwo equal rows. When β = α, the sum on j reduces to det(D1 (h(x, t))) . ThusB reducesto



φ ε,α (h(x, t))hα,t det(D1 (h(x, t)))dx

Which is the same thing as A, but with the opposite sign. Hence A+B in 15.4 is 0 andH ′ (t) = 0 and so H is a constant on [a,b].

Finally consider the last claim. If g, ĝ both work in the definition for the degree, thenconsider h(x, t)≡ tg (x)+(1− t) ĝ (x)−y for t ∈ [0,1] . For x ∈ ∂Ω,

|tg (x)+(1− t) ĝ (x)−y|= |t (g (x)−f (x))+(1− t)(ĝ (x)−f (x))+f (x)−y|

≥ |f (x)−y|− |t (g (x)−f (x))+(1− t)(ĝ (x)−f (x))|≥ dist(f (∂Ω) ,y)− (t ∥g−f∥

∞+(1− t)∥ĝ−f∥


> dist(f (∂Ω) ,y)− (tδ +(1− t)δ ) = 0

From Lemma 15.1.12, h satisfies what is needed for the first part of this lemma. Namely,0 /∈ h(∂Ω× [0,1]) . Then from the first part, if 0 < ε < dist(0,h(∂Ω× [0,1])) and ε isalso sufficiently small that the second and last equations hold in what follows,

d (f ,Ω,y) = ∑{

sgn(det(Dg (x))) : x ∈ g−1 (y)}=∫

φ ε (h(x,1))detD1h(x,1)dx


φ ε (h(x,0))detD1h(x,0)dx = ∑{

sgn(det(Dĝ (x))) : x ∈ ĝ−1 (y)}■

15.1. SARD’S LEMMA AND APPROXIMATION 417By hypothesisr+ 9, (h(x,t)) (cof Di (h(2x,t)))q; fora eQis in C? (Q) because if x € AQ, it follows that for all t € [a,b] ,h(a,t) ¢ B(O,€) and soo,(h(x,t)) =0 off some compact set contained in Q. Therefore, integrate by parts andwriteB-- [YY x, (6¢(h(@,1))) (cof Ds (h(@,1)))qjhasd+— [ LY Ge (h(a.2)) (CofD (I (@.1))) qjThe second term equals zero by Lemma 15.1.8. Simplifying the first term yieldsB= — | LEV Ge (h(e.1)) hp jas (CofD (h (a.1))) qdQE iB- - [VY eee (h(@,1)) hous Y hg. (cofD1 (he (@,1))) qj Axa Bp jNow the sum on j is the dot product of the pi row with the a” row of the cofactor matrixwhich equals zero unless 8 = a@ because it would be a cofactor expansion of a matrix withtwo equal rows. When f = a, the sum on j reduces to det (D; (h(a,t))). Thus B reducesto= [ YG q(P(@.0)) has det (Di (h(w,1)) xWhich is the same thing as A, but with the opposite sign. Hence A+ B in 15.4 is 0 andH' (t) = 0 and so H is a constant on [a,b].Finally consider the last claim. If g,g both work in the definition for the degree, thenconsider h (x,t) =tg(x)+(1—1) g(x) —y fort € [0,1]. Fora € 0Q,ltg(w) + (1-1) g(a) —-y|= |t(g(a)—f(x))+(1—t) (g(a)—-f(#)) +f (x)—-y|lf (2) —y|—|t(g (x) — f (@)) + 1-2) (G(x) — f (x))|dist (f (9Q),y) —(t\lg— fll. + 1-1) I9 — fl.)dist (f (8Q) ,y) — (t8 + (1-1) 8) =0VoIV IVFrom Lemma 15.1.12, h satisfies what is needed for the first part of this lemma. Namely,0 ¢ h(AQ x [0,1]). Then from the first part, if 0 < € < dist (0,h (AQ x [0,1])) and € isalso sufficiently small that the second and last equations hold in what follows,d(f,Q,y) =). {sgn (det (Dg (x))) :weg '( (y)}= [ige(n( )) det Di h (ax, 1) dx= [¢ (h(ax,0)) detD,h (x,0) dx = Y" {sgn (det (Dg (a))):aeg! (y)} @