15.2 Properties of the DegreeNow that the degree for a continuous function has been defined, it is time to considerproperties of the degree. In particular, it is desirable to prove a theorem about homotopyinvariance which depends only on continuity considerations.

Theorem 15.2.1 If h is in C(Ω× [a,b] ,Rp

), and 0 /∈ h(∂Ω× [a,b]) for each t,

then t→ d (h(·, t) ,Ω,0) is constant for t ∈ [a,b].

Proof: Let 0 < δ = min |h(∂Ω× [a,b])| . By Corollary 15.1.1, there exists hm (·, t) =∑

mk=0 pk (t)h(·, tk) for pk (t) a polynomial in t of degree m such that p0 (a) = 1 but pk (a) =

0 if k ̸= 0 and pm (b) = 1 but pk (b) = 0 if k ̸= m and


∥hm (·, t)−h(·, t)∥∞,Ω < δ , t0 = a, tm = b (15.5)

Now replace h(·, tk) with gmk (·) ∈ C∞


)and 0 is a regular value of gm

k and letgm (·, t)≡ ∑

mk=0 pk (t)gm

k (·) where the functions gmk are close enough to h(·, tk) that


∥gm (·, t)−h(·, t)∥∞,Ω < δ . (15.6)

gm ∈ C∞(Ω× [a,b] ;Rp

)because all partial derivatives with respect to either t or x are

continuous. Thus gm0 (·) = gm (·,a) , gm

m (·) = gm (·,b) . Also, from the definition of thedegree and Lemma 15.1.13, for small enough ε ,

d (h(·,a) ,Ω,0) = d (gm0 (·) ,Ω,0) =


φ ε (gm (x,a))detD1gm (x,a)dx


φ ε (gm (x,b))detD1gm (x,b)dx = d (gmm (·) ,Ω,0) = d (h(·,b) ,Ω,0)

Since a,b are arbitrary, this proves the theorem. ■Now the following theorem is a summary of the main result on properties of the degree.

Theorem 15.2.2 Definition 15.1.6 is well defined and the degree satisfies the fol-lowing properties.

1. (homotopy invariance) If h∈C(Ω× [0,1] ,Rp

)and y (t) /∈ h (∂Ω, t) for all t ∈ [0,1]

where y is continuous, then

t→ d (h(·, t) ,Ω,y (t))

is constant for t ∈ [0,1] .

2. If Ω⊇Ω1∪Ω2 where Ω1∩Ω2 = /0, for Ωi an open set, then if

y /∈ f(Ω\ (Ω1∪Ω2)


thend (f ,Ω1,y)+d (f ,Ω2,y) = d (f ,Ω,y)

3. d (I,Ω,y) = 1 if y ∈Ω.

418 CHAPTER 15. DEGREE THEORY15.2 Properties of the DegreeNow that the degree for a continuous function has been defined, it is time to considerproperties of the degree. In particular, it is desirable to prove a theorem about homotopyinvariance which depends only on continuity considerations.Theorem 15.2.1 7 h is in C (Q x [a,b] ,R’) , and 0 ¢ h(AQ x [a,b]) for each t,then t + d(h(-,t),Q,0) is constant for t € [a,b].Proof: Let 0 < 6 = min|h (dQ x [a,b])|. By Corollary 15.1.1, there exists hy, (-,t) =veo Px (t) h(-, te) for p; (t) a polynomial in t of degree m such that po (a) = 1 but p; (a) =0 if k £0 and p,,(b) = 1 but p, (b) = 0 if k Am andmax ||Am(-,1) —R(-,1)||.9 < 5,t0 = 4,tm =b (15.5)te[a,b|Now replace h(-,t,) with gi’ (-) € C” (Q,R”) and 0 is a regular value of g/” and let9m (st) = LiLo Px (t) gi (-) where the functions g7”’ are close enough to h (-,t;) thatmax II9m (44) -R( 1). < 6. (15.6)tela,b]Im © C (Q x [a,b] IR? ) because all partial derivatives with respect to either t or x arecontinuous. Thus gj (-) = Gm(-,4), gin (-) = 9m(-,8)- Also, from the definition of thedegree and Lemma 15.1.13, for small enough e,d(h(-.a) 2,0) =d (g'} (-),2,0) = [| (Gm (#4) et Dig (#0) dx= [¢ (Gin (x,b)) detDig,, (x,b)dx=d (gn, (-),Q,0) = d(h(-,b),Q,0)Since a,b are arbitrary, this proves the theorem. liNow the following theorem is a summary of the main result on properties of the degree.Theorem 15.2.2 Definition 15.1.6 is well defined and the degree satisfies the fol-lowing properties.1. (homotopy invariance) If h € C (Q x (0, 1] JR?) and y(t) ¢ h (AQ, t) for allt € (0, 1]where y is continuous, thent+ d(h(-,t),Q,y(¢))is constant for t € [0,1].2. If Q DQ, UQ?2 where Q) NQ2 = O, for Q; an open set, then if¥ € f (Q\(QiUQ))),thend(f,Qu,y)+d(f,Q2,y) =d(f,Q,y)3. d(,Q,y) =1ifyeEQ.