4. d (f ,Ω, ·) is continuous and constant on every connected component of Rp \f (∂Ω).

5. d (g,Ω,y) = d (f ,Ω,y) if g|∂Ω

= f |∂Ω


6. If y /∈ f (∂Ω), and if d (f,Ω,y) ̸= 0, then there exists x ∈Ω such that f (x) = y.

Proof: That the degree is well defined follows from Lemma 15.1.13.Consider 1., the first property about homotopy. This follows from Theorem 15.2.1

applied to H (x, t)≡ h(x, t)−y (t).Consider 2. where y /∈ f

(Ω\ (Ω1∪Ω2)

). Note that


(Ω\ (Ω1∪Ω2)

))≤ dist(y,f (∂Ω))

Then let g be in C(Ω;Rp



< dist(y,f

(Ω\ (Ω1∪Ω2)

))≤ min(dist(y,f (∂Ω1)) ,dist(y,f (∂Ω2)) ,dist(y,f (∂Ω)))

where y is a regular value of g. Then by definition,

d (f,Ω,y)≡∑{

det(Dg (x)) : x ∈ g−1 (y)}

= ∑{

det(Dg (x)) : x ∈ g−1 (y) ,x ∈Ω1}


det(Dg (x)) : x ∈ g−1 (y) ,x ∈Ω2}

≡ d (f,Ω1,y)+d (f,Ω2,y)

It is of course obvious that this can be extended by induction to any finite number of disjointopen sets Ωi.

Note that 3. is obvious because I (x) = x and so if y ∈ Ω, then I−1 (y) = y andDI (x) = I for any x so the definition gives 3.

Now consider 4. Let U be a connected component of Rp \f (∂Ω) . This is open as wellas connected and arc wise connected by Theorem 3.11.12. Hence, if u,v ∈U, there is acontinuous function y (t) which is in U such that y (0) = u and y (1) = v. By homotopyinvariance, it follows d (f ,Ω,y (t)) is constant. Thus d (f ,Ω,u) = d (f ,Ω,v).

Next consider 5. When f = g on ∂Ω, it follows that if y /∈ f (∂Ω) , then y /∈ f (x)+t (g (x)−f (x)) for t ∈ [0,1] and x∈ ∂Ω so d (f + t (g−f) ,Ω,y) is constant for t ∈ [0,1]by homotopy invariance in part 1. Therefore, let t = 0 and then t = 1 to obtain 5.

Claim 6. follows from Lemma 15.1.13 which says that if y /∈ f(Ω), then d (f ,Ω,y) =

0. ■From the above, there is an easy corollary which gives related properties of the degree.

Corollary 15.2.3 The following additional properties of the degree are also valid.

1. If y /∈ f(Ω\Ω1

)and Ω1 is an open subset of Ω, then d (f ,Ω,y) = d (f ,Ω1,y) .

2. d (·,Ω,y) is defined and constant on{g ∈C

(Ω;Rp) : ∥g−f∥

∞< r}

where r = dist(y,f (∂Ω)).

15.2. PROPERTIES OF THE DEGREE 4194. d(f,Q,-) is continuous and constant on every connected component of R? \ f (dQ).5. d(g,Q,y) =d(f,2,Y) #9laa = laa:6. Ify € f (OQ), and if d(f,Q,y) 4 0, then there exists x € Q such that f (w) = y.Proof: That the degree is well defined follows from Lemma 15.1.13.Consider 1., the first property about homotopy. This follows from Theorem 15.2.1applied to H (x,t) =h(a,t)— y(t).Consider 2. where y ¢ f (Q\ (Q; UQ2)) . Note thatdist (y, f (Q\ (Qi UQ2))) < dist (y, f (AQ))Then let g be in C (Q;IR”) andllg—fll. < dist (y, f (Q\ (Qi) UQ2)))< min (dist(y, f (AQ) )) , dist (y, f (AQz2)) dist (y, f (AQ)))where y is a regular value of g. Then by definition,d(f,Q,y) =) {det (Dg (x)):a eg '(y)}Y" {det (Dg (x)): 2 Eg '(y),2 € Qi}+) {det (Dg (a)): 2 € g™' (y),@ € Qo}= d(f,Qi,y)+d(f,Q2,y)It is of course obvious that this can be extended by induction to any finite number of disjointopen sets Q;.Note that 3. is obvious because /(a”) = x and so if y € Q, then J~!(y) = y andDI(x) =1 for any x so the definition gives 3.Now consider 4. Let U be a connected component of R? \ f (dQ). This is open as wellas connected and arc wise connected by Theorem 3.11.12. Hence, if u,v © U, there is acontinuous function y(t) which is in U such that y (0) = u and y(1) = v. By homotopyinvariance, it follows d(f,Q,y (t)) is constant. Thus d(f,Q,u) =d(f,Q,v).Next consider 5. When f = g on 0Q, it follows that if y ¢ f (0Q), then y ¢ f (x) +t(g(x) —f (x)) fort € [0,1] and x € OQ sod(f +t(g—f),Q,y) is constant for t € [0, 1]by homotopy invariance in part 1. Therefore, let t = 0 and then t = | to obtain 5.Claim 6. follows from Lemma 15.1.13 which says that if y ¢ f (Q), then d(f,Q,y) =0. @From the above, there is an easy corollary which gives related properties of the degree.Corollary 15.2.3 The following additional properties of the degree are also valid.1. Ify ¢ f (Q\Q1) and Q, is an open subset of Q, then d(f,Q,y) =d(f,Q1,y).2. d(-,Q,y) is defined and constant on{9 €C(Q:R?) : |lg— fll. <r}where r = dist (y, f (0Q)).