3. If y ∈ f (Ω) , dist(y,f (∂Ω))≥ δ and |z−y|< δ , then d (f ,Ω,y) = d (f ,Ω,z).

Proof: Consider 1. You can take Ω2 = /0 in 2 of Theorem 15.2.2 or you can modifythe proof of 2 slightly. Consider 2. To verify, let h(x, t) = f (x)+ t (g (x)−f (x)) . Thennote that y /∈ h(∂Ω, t) and use Property 1 of Theorem 15.2.2.

Finally, consider 3. Let y (t)≡ (1− t)y+ tz. Then for x ∈ ∂Ω

|(1− t)y+ tz−f (x)| = |y−f (x)+ t (z−y)|≥ δ − t |z−y|> δ −δ = 0

Then by 1 of Theorem 15.2.2, d (f ,Ω,(1− t)y+ tz) is constant. When t = 0 you getd (f ,Ω,y) and when t = 1 you get d (f ,Ω,z) . ■

Corollary 15.2.4 Let h ∈ C∞(Ω,Rn

)where Ω is a bounded open set in Rnand let

y /∈ h(∂Ω) . Then d (h,Ω,y) = limε→0∫

Ωφ ε (h(x)−y)detDh(x)dx.

Proof: Let∥∥∥h̃−h∥∥∥

∞,Ω< δ where 0 < δ < dist(y,h(∂Ω)) and y is a regular value

for h̃, and Dh̃(x) = Dh(x). Then

d (h,Ω,y) = d(h̃,Ω,y

)= lim



φ ε



= limε→0


φ ε



= limε→0


φ ε (h(x)−y)detDh(x)dx

because for h(x, t) = t (h(x)−y)+(1− t)(h̃(x)−y



φ ε (h(x, t))detD1h(x, t)dx

is constant for t ∈ [0,1]. ■

15.3 Brouwer Fixed Point TheoremThe degree makes it possible to give a very simple proof of the Brouwer fixed point theo-rem.

Theorem 15.3.1 (Brouwer fixed point) Let B = B(0,r)⊆ Rp and let f : B→ B becontinuous. Then there exists a point x ∈ B, such that f (x) = x.

Proof: Assume there is no fixed point. Consider h(x, t) ≡ x− tf (x) for t ∈ [0,1] .Then for ∥x∥= r, 0 /∈ x− tf (x) , t ∈ [0,1] . By homotopy invariance, t→ d (I− tf ,B,0)is constant. But when t = 0, this is d (I,B,0) = 1 ̸= 0. This is a contradiction so there mustbe a fixed point after all. ■

You can use standard stuff from Hilbert space to get this the fixed point theorem fora compact convex set. Let K be a closed bounded convex set and let f : K → K be con-tinuous. Let P be the projection map onto K as in Problem 10 on Page 152. Then P is

420 CHAPTER 15. DEGREE THEORY3. Ify € f (Q), dist (y, f (9Q)) > 6 and |z—y| < 6, then d(f,Q,y) =d(f,Q,z).Proof: Consider 1. You can take Q2 = 9 in 2 of Theorem 15.2.2 or you can modifythe proof of 2 slightly. Consider 2. To verify, let h (a,t) = f (a) +t(g (a) — f (x)). Thennote that y ¢ h(dQ,t) and use Property | of Theorem 15.2.2.Finally, consider 3. Let y (t) = (1 —t) y +1z. Then for 7 € dQ(l-t)yt+tz—f(@)| = |y—f(e)+t(z-y)|> 6-t\|z—-y|>d—-d6=0Then by | of Theorem 15.2.2, d(f,Q,(1—t)y+tz) is constant. When t = 0 you getd(f,Q,y) and when t = | you getd(f,Q,z). 0Corollary 15.2.4 Let h € C” (Q,R") where Q is a bounded open set in R"and lety €h(0Q). Then d(h,Q,y) = limes0 fo 0. (h(x) — y) detDh (x) dx.Proof: Let ig — h| a 6 where 0 < 6 < dist(y,h(0Q)) and y is a regular valuefor h, and Dh (x) = Dh (x). Thend(h,Q,y) = d (2.2.y) = lim [ b. (h (x) — y) det Dh (x) dxe-0/Q= lim f ¢¢ (h (x) -y) det Dh (a) dx- lim [ 6¢ (h(@) —y) detDh (w) dxé0because for h(a,t) =t¢(h(x)—y)+(1—2) (h (a) — y) ,ro | 6, (h(a,t)) detDh (a,t) dxQis constant for ¢ € [0,1]. ll15.3. Brouwer Fixed Point TheoremThe degree makes it possible to give a very simple proof of the Brouwer fixed point theo-rem.Theorem 15.3.1 (Brouwer fixed point) Let B = Bcontinuous. Then there exists a point x € B, such that f ((0,r) C R? and let f : B > B be“)=a.Proof: Assume there is no fixed point. Consider h(a,t) = x —tf (a) fort € [0,1].Then for ||a|| = 7, 0 ¢ w—tf (ax), t € [0,1]. By homotopy invariance, t > d (J —tf,B,0)is constant. But when t = 0, this is d (/,B,0) = 1 40. This is a contradiction so there mustbe a fixed point after all. HiYou can use standard stuff from Hilbert space to get this the fixed point theorem fora compact convex set. Let K be a closed bounded convex set and let f : K — K be con-tinuous. Let P be the projection map onto K as in Problem 10 on Page 152. Then P is