This proves 16.1.

|un (x)−u(x)| ≤∫Rp|u(x−y)−u(x)|φ n (y)dmp (y)


B(0, 1n )|u(x−y)−u(x)|φ n (y)dmp (y)

by uniform continuity of u coming from the Lipschitz condition, when n is large enough,this is no larger than

∫Rp εφ n (y)dmp (y) = ε and so uniform convergence holds.

Now consider the last claim. From the first part,

|unxi (x)−uxi (x)| =


B(0, 1n )

uxi (x−y)φ n (y)dmp (y)−uxi (x)



B(x, 1n )

uxi (z)φ n (x−z)dmp (z)−uxi (x)

∣∣∣∣∣|unxi (x)−uxi (x)| ≤

∫Rp|uxi (x−y)−uxi (x)|φ n (y)dmp (y)


B(0, 1n )|uxi (x−y)−uxi (x)|φ n (y)dmp (y)


B(x, 1n )|uxi (z)−uxi (x)|φ n (x−z)dmp (z)

≤ np∫

B(x, 1n )|uxi (z)−uxi (x)|φ (n(x−z))dmp (z)

≤ Cmp(B(0, 1


)) ∫B(x, 1

n )|uxi (z)−uxi (x)|dmp (z)

which converges to 0 for a.e. x, in fact at any Lebesgue point. This is because uxi isbounded by K and so is in L1

loc. ■Note that the above holds just as well if u has values in some Rm and the same proof

would work, replacing |·| with ∥·∥ or the Euclidean norm |·|.The following lemma gives an interesting inequality due to Morrey. To simplify nota-

tion dz will mean dmp (z).

Lemma 16.3.2 Let u be a C1 function on Rp. Then there exists a constant C, dependingonly on p such that for any x, y ∈ Rp,

|u(x)−u(y)| ≤C(∫

B(x,2|x−y|)|∇u(z) |qdz

)1/q(| x− y|(1−p/q)

). (16.3)

Here q > p and C is some constant depending on p,q.

Proof: In the argument C will be a generic constant which depends on p,q. Considerthe following picture.

16.3. RADEMACHER’S THEOREM 439This proves 16.1.iun(e)—u(@)| <[ Ju(w—y) —u(@)] 6, (y)dmp (y)7 Iovos) iu (@—y) —u(@)/ On (yap (y)by uniform continuity of u coming from the Lipschitz condition, when n is large enough,this is no larger than [pp €¢,, (y) dm» (y) = € and so uniform convergence holds.Now consider the last claim. From the first part,|Unx; (@) — Ux; (@)] =ho 1) Ux, (@— y) Oy (y) dmp (Y) — Ux; (x)onhee 1) Ux; (z) %, (x—z)dmy (z) — Uy, (x)onns, (@) ms, (@)] < [hs (ey) — Us ()| Oy (y) dim (y)=f bs —y) as (@)] Oy (y) di (y)(0.7)= he 1y Iss (2) ~ ts (®)1 On (@ 2) dtp (2)< 0 Toca |Ux, (2) — Ux, (x) | O (n (a — z)) dy (z)Ccm, (B(0.1)) Ux; (2) — Ux; \& dm, (zmp (B(0,+)) hrws) (2) (x) |dmp (2)which converges to 0 for a.e. a, in fact at any Lebesgue point. This is because uy, isbounded by K and so is in Lj... iNote that the above holds just as well if u has values in some R” and the same proofwould work, replacing |-| with ||-|| or the Euclidean norm ||.The following lemma gives an interesting inequality due to Morrey. To simplify nota-tion dz will mean dmy (z).Lemma 16.3.2 Let u be aC! function on R”. Then there exists a constant C, dependingonly on p such that for any x,y € R?,I/q\u(w) —u(y)| <c(/, IVu(z)|"as) (|e— yl). (16.3)B(wx,2|a—y|)Here q > p and C is some constant depending on p,q.Proof: In the argument C will be a generic constant which depends on p,g. Considerthe following picture.